The Azure Longsword

Chapter 24: Dream tapir


From the outside, the island looks like an ordinary deserted island, with a high mountain in the center and lush forests outside. What's more strange is that there are no birds or insects in the forest, as if it has fallen into some kind of strange silence, with only the rustling sound of the sea breeze blowing through the leaves, which looks mysterious and unusual in the night.

"Everyone, pay attention. I'm going to introduce the rules next." Ask clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention.

"Next book?" Good student Nora raised her hand, "Excuse me, what is next book?"

"Let's first clarify a concept." In order to make his next command easier, Ask decided to instill some "common sense for players" into everyone. "During the mission, we may explore some dangerous areas, so we require you to remain vigilant throughout the process and adhere to the team's combat regulations. We call these dangerous areas 'dungeons'. The act of entering a 'dungeon' is called 'going to the dungeon'."

Strange noun... Everyone looked at each other and memorized it in their hearts at the same time.

"When you go to a dungeon, you should pay attention to the difference between monsters and bosses." Ask continued to popularize professional terms. "Monsters are weak enemies. Bosses are powerful enemies. A dungeon usually consists of several bosses and many monsters. The standard for beating monsters is efficiency and pursuing no damage, while the standard for beating bosses is to protect yourself. Of course, the most important thing is to obey orders and follow commands. Do you understand?"

"I understand." Everyone agreed sparsely.

"Medea." Ask snapped his fingers, "Open the team communication channel."

"Communication channel?" Medea wondered.

"Establish a telepathic link with me and others," Ask said.

Medea curled her lips and established a spiritual connection with everyone. Immediately, everyone started to communicate online:

"Is this telepathic communication?" Nora's voice rang in everyone's mind. "Really! I just thought about it, and the voice automatically rang in my mind!"

"I'll try it too!" Eleanor followed up in the telepathic communication, "Hello, Nora, how are you?"

"I'm fine!" Nora responded.

“Ahhhhhh.” Peggy began to scroll through the screen.

"Stop arguing!" Medea said angrily, "Too frequent communication is a great spiritual burden to me!"

"Everyone keep quiet. Private chats are prohibited in the team communication channel." Ask said, "If anyone disobeys orders, Medea, ban her... that is, cut off her connection."

Suddenly, the channel fell silent.

"That's it," Ask said. "Eleanor, hold your shield and go to the front. Peggy on the left, me on the right, Medea and Nora in the middle. Once we encounter an enemy, Medea will first use group mental suggestion to make them try to direct their attacks toward Eleanor. Eleanor, don't think about counterattacking, just focus on holding your shield to block."

"Peiji, go around from the left and kill the enemies. Prioritize those without armor or with light armor. Leave the heavily armored enemies to me. Nora, pay attention to the battlefield situation throughout the whole process, and pay special attention to Eleanor and restore health in time. Have you remembered everything?"

"No." Everyone shook their heads.