The Azure Longsword

Chapter 25: Push flat


"Third, Eleanor seemed to have difficulty maintaining stability when she was taking the attack just now." Ask turned his head to look at Eleanor again, "Won't the shield absorb the force?"

"Unloading?" Eleanor showed a somewhat embarrassed and ashamed expression, "Can you tell me in detail?"

"Hold your shields up," said Ask.

Eleanor raised her shield as she was told.

"Stand with one foot in front of the other, put your center of gravity on the front foot temporarily, and step on the ground with your back foot." Ask said, "When my attack hits the shield, the center of gravity moves to the back foot."

"This way the shield will move back a little bit," Eleanor tried.

"The essence of moving back is to strengthen the cushioning of your arms, so as to better unload the force on the shield." Ask added, "When moving back, if the attack point is to the left of the center line of the shield, you tilt the shield to the left; otherwise, tilt it to the right. Avoid the enemy's attack hitting your shield at 90 degrees vertically, so that you will have to bear all the force head-on, understand?"

"I understand!" Nora raised her hand and said, "Suppose an attack with a force of N comes vertically, and Ellie tilts her shield a degree. Then according to the orthogonal decomposition of the force, Ellie actually only needs to withstand a force of N*cos_a, and cos_a is less than 1."

"I don't understand." Eleanor burst into tears. This seems to be mathematics knowledge, right? However, she had been in the castle since she was a child, and her literacy and martial arts were taught by private teachers hired from outside. She had never attended any formal school.

"That's about right," Ask said. "If the angle of inclination is greater than 45 degrees, then the sword that falls on the shield will be more likely to slide away rather than be blocked. There is a small round shield in Franconia that is not much bigger than an adult's palm, and the Frankish mercenaries can use this small shield expertly to slide away or deflect the enemy's attack. Eleanor, you use a kite-shaped shield, so it may not be convenient to slide away the attack, but it can still be done to relieve the force."

"Okay." Eleanor tried to tilt the shield.

"Let's keep going," Ask said at last. "Visibility in the woods is very low at night. Everyone should stay alert and pay special attention to the sounds in the surrounding environment. I was able to spot the nightmare tapir just now because I heard the subtle sound it made."

Everyone nodded. Suddenly, a lark chirped nearby. Eleanor shuddered and immediately raised her shield and gun to look around. Peggy also quickly disappeared from the spot. Nora took out her cell phone from her bag and said embarrassedly:

"Sorry, guys. My phone is ringing."

"Turn off the ringtone!" Ask didn't know whether to laugh or cry. When players go to dungeons, it is already a professional habit to turn on the phone while flying. How come you can do so many tricks

"Hello, sister." Nora walked aside and answered the phone, "I'm working. Why are you still awake so late?"

"I'm staying up late to deal with the group's acquisition." On the other side of the phone, Nora's eldest sister Capasilin drank a cup of coffee and complained, "The Duke of Normandy insisted on the price of 6 pounds per share and refused to give in. My business negotiation team has been working with him for three days... Let's not talk about this. What's the matter with the photo in your social circle? Nightmare tapir? The little girl is quite capable. She has become a transcendent, right? What sequence is it?"