The Azure Longsword

Chapter 26: nightmare


Everyone came to a clearing in the woods.

In the middle of the open space, a small open-air altar was built with stone pillars, and mysterious codes were engraved on it. Eleanor glanced around and said in the channel:

"No enemy found..."

Her tone was a little surprised, because Ask said that they would encounter the first BOSS here, and his predictions had never been wrong before.

"No, the boss is here." Ask said.

Everyone followed his gaze and saw two identical Nolas standing behind the team. They looked at each other warily, their eyes full of doubt and uncertainty.

"Disguise?" Medea frowned and said, "Is it the ability of the Illusion Sequence?"

"I don't know! She..." The two Nolas shouted anxiously in the telepathic communication channel at the same time. Before they finished speaking, they were stopped by Medea:

"Don't talk! No matter who is the real Nora, the other fake one is disguised by the enemy, but it can't know your personality well enough, so it can only pretend to be you temporarily. The more you talk, the more information you reveal to it! Stay calm and wait for us to figure out a way to identify it. Before we see through its true face, it won't take the initiative to expose itself and hurt you!"

Both Nora fell silent immediately. She was not stupid, but she was at a loss as to what to do after encountering a supernatural phenomenon.

Since what Medea said was right, the two Nolas regained their composure at the same time, just frowning and staring at each other coldly. The others also stared at the two girls intently, fearing that one of them would suddenly attack and hurt someone.

"That's right." Ask walked over. "You will face many supernatural phenomena in the future, such as being suddenly teleported to a certain place, your companions or yourself undergoing abnormal changes, being sucked into a mirror world, or your shadow being distorted into an enemy. There is only one thing to remember: no matter how strange the phenomenon is, you must first keep yourself calm."

The two Nolas showed expressions of wanting to cry but not being able to. Their resentful eyes seemed to be saying, "Captain! Is now the time for you to teach? Can you get rid of the fakes on the opposite side first?"

"As Medea said, this first BOSS Nightmare can only disguise its appearance for now, and its memory is still flawed. However, every mature Nightmare has the ability of the Mind Sequence, which can continuously read the memories of the surrounding minds, so once time is delayed long enough, it will become completely indistinguishable from Nora." Ask pressed the sword with one hand and came in front of the two Noras. "As for the method of identification, it is actually very simple. Just use the characteristics of the Mind Sequence in the opposite way."

His expression suddenly turned cold, and he said to the two Noras in a cold voice:

"Now! Nora, repeat what I said right now! 'Eat grapes without spitting out the skins!'"

Nora on the left half opened her mouth, but could not utter a strange and clear voice, with a confused expression on her face. Nora on the right subconsciously said:

"Eat grapes without spitting out the skins..."

"You can speak Chinese!" Ask suddenly drew his sword, and with a flash of cold light, the fake Nora was slashed in the chest. Her figure immediately disappeared on the spot, leaving only a splash of blue blood on the ground.