The Azure Longsword

Chapter 28: Run away, King of Books!


I still remember that in the previous life, players suffered a lot when fighting this nightmare BOSS.

The setting of this nightmare boss is extremely tricky. It will select a character in the blind spot of all teammates to copy. If it is an NPC, it will copy the NPC's AI script;

If it is a player, then after the copying is completed, all the words and behaviors of this player will be copied and imitated by the server. Technically, it can even achieve a confusion rate of more than 99%. Most normal players cannot distinguish who is the player and who is the copy of the copy.

While copying, it will continue to silently cast spells using the dream puppet ability to summon various BOSSes that the players have fought before. Before the players can figure out who is the six-eared macaque, the BOSS illusion monster over there is already howling and killing.

The players' methods of dealing with it are even more shameless. One is to die together. No matter who is disguised by the BOSS, everyone will fight together with the real one and the fake one. All outputs will focus their fire and then burst out, killing both teammates and the BOSS at the same time.

This method is still very efficient, but if the BOSS copies a key role such as a healer or MT, it will basically be impossible to push forward the subsequent copies.

The other is the offline phone method, where you directly give your teammates your mobile phone number and ask them to go offline and call to ask. This is a truly unsolvable tactic, and no matter how smart the game server's AI is, it is powerless.

During the public beta stage, players were not familiar with these strange supernatural abilities, so they could only fight rogues. After four or five versions, when everyone is familiar with the characteristics of the Psychic Sequence's abilities, they can respond accordingly.

For example, the "tongue twister" method used by Ask was an emergency measure that he came up with temporarily when he knew that his psychic ability could read his shallow memory.

After all, you can't go offline to ask.

The group continued to move forward and soon reached the bottom of the central mountain on the island. From the foot of the mountain, there were fine stone steps leading up, and along the winding mountain road, there were ancient Solomon-style stone arches every few dozen meters.

In front of the first arch stood two warriors wearing dark blue armor, who looked like humans. They had their eyes closed, as if they were in deep thought. Various mysterious runes were painted on their armor, and the long swords or sabers at their waists also glowed with an ominous blue luster, which did not seem to be ordinary weapons.

"The 'Sleeping Warriors' of Dream Paradise." Ask said in the communication channel, "These warriors have their eyes closed tightly, their consciousness is always trapped in sleep, and they are controlled by the manipulator behind the scenes. However, they can observe the outside world through their mind vision, so the boss behind the scenes may have discovered us."

"Since they have discovered us, why don't they attack?" asked Eleanor.

"Because their mission is to defend the first archway." Ask said with a smile, "If they have the authority to launch an attack, then we can send one person to lure them away, and the rest of them can go up the mountain in broad daylight, right?"

"How do we fight?" Peggy asked.

"Easy." Ask said, "Eleanor attacks first, pierces an enemy with the Dragon Spear, and then throws it back. Peggy, Medea, and I will focus our fire on the one that falls to the ground first, and Eleanor will focus on entanglement with the other one."