The Azure Longsword

Chapter 29: Dream paradise


A huge ball of light was floating in the sky above the top of the mountain.

About twenty ordinary people were tied to wooden crosses and formed a circle around the light ball. The blue spirit tentacles kept drilling in and out of the facial features of these victims, taking away the mysterious energy belonging to the human spirit and replenishing it to the huge blue light ball in the center.

Some of these victims were fishermen fishing nearby, and some were merchant ships passing by and attacked by Dream Paradise. From last year to now, thousands of people have been sacrificed, which is still insignificant in the entire Eastern Solomon Empire.

If the spiritual energy is extracted for another month, the entire island will soon be pulled into the boundary between reality and illusion, becoming an isolated island in the collective subconscious, an eternal paradise.

At that time, it can appear in reality or travel through the ocean of collective subconsciousness, becoming an easily defendable and difficult-to-attack safe haven in the dream paradise.

Ever since collecting the plane fragments of Mount Paradise, Patriarch Alexander of the Dream Paradise branch in Asia Minor has secretly formulated this ambitious plan - to transform the entire plane fragments of Mount Paradise into a half-plane branch of the Dream Paradise sect, thus completely avoiding the continental heresy crackdown plan launched by the Solomon Church every few years.

Of course, due to the demiplane's unique defensive advantages, this demiplane branch will surely be promoted to a headquarters soon. At that time, Patriarch Alexander will no longer be just a branch patriarch, but will most likely smoothly enter the church elders' group and become a hot and powerful figure in the sect.

As long as he holds the authority to open the plane fragments, the various power struggles at the top will not even affect him, and he can sit firmly on the throne of the Elders Council.

This is Patriarch Alexander's secret ambition.

"There was an alarm at the No. 1 defense line at the bottom of the mountain." One of the priests said. The four priests present were all confidants of Patriarch Alexander. Therefore, his first reaction was not that someone had leaked the information, causing the demigods from the East Solomon Empire or the Dream Heaven headquarters to come and kill him, but that there must be some passers-by who did not know the truth and landed on the island.

Being able to pass through the outer dream creature territory and alert the sleeping warriors at the foot of the mountain, these passers-by still have some fighting power. Just as Patriarch Alexander was thinking this, the priest who first called the police suddenly changed his face:

"Defense Line No. 1 has been breached! The two sleeping warriors have signaled silence! Defense Line No. 2... Defense Line No. 2 has also been breached! The enemy is heading towards Defense Line No. 3, and Defense Line No. 3 has also been breached!"

"What are the characteristics of the invaders?" Patriarch Alexander couldn't remain calm anymore and asked hurriedly, "Are they equipped with heavy firepower weapons? Or are they high-level extraordinary beings?"

"Flame!" Through the dream connection, the priest saw the scene that the sleeping warriors saw before they died, "Endless flames!"

“Could it be the demigods of the Fire Sequence?” Patriarch Alexander’s face changed drastically. “But the demonic tide hasn’t risen yet! How can these demigods act at will?”

In the beta version of the story, the upper limit of the level of the extraordinary is 5. This upper limit does not mean that the extraordinary cannot be raised to level 6, but the extraordinary creatures distributed on the continent and the extraordinary powers that can be obtained can only support the extraordinary to reach level 5 at most.