The Azure Longsword

Chapter 3: Even if it means losing everything, I will buy equipment (2)


Hagia Sophia is the largest church in Constantinople and the headquarters of the Imperial Orthodox Church. There are many shops around it, most of which are owned by the Orthodox Church and run by the church deacons themselves. Ask found a shop specializing in alchemical items and walked in to knock on the counter.

"Hello, sir." Behind the counter, the church deacon in a black robe nodded slightly to him, "What can I buy?"

"I have two shops that I hope to sell to the church," Ask said.

"Well, you must be Ask from the Achilles family." The church deacon recognized his appearance.

After all, before Ask's original owner's parents disappeared, they donated a large amount of money to the church almost every year. Therefore, the deacon was not unfamiliar with the young master of the Achilles family. "Are you planning to sell the two shops left by your parents to the church?"

"Yes," said Ask. "You name your price."

"I know the two shops in your family well. They are both golden businesses that make a fortune every day." The deacon of the church said, "The pharmacy on Theoside Avenue is valued at 700 pounds. As for the tavern near the Marina Tower, since the catering industry has not been very prosperous recently, I will temporarily value it at 550 pounds..."

"But I still want to remind you, Mr. Achilles, that these two properties are left to you by your parents, and they bring in a stable profit of around 10 pounds a month. If you are simply short of money, you can apply for a mortgage from the Imperial Bank. There is absolutely no need to sell these two properties outright."

"I understand what you mean." Ask lied, "But I'm going back to my hometown to get married, so I don't have time to collect rent regularly from these two properties, so I still hope to cash them out directly."

The church deacon frowned. Going back home to get married? Aren't you a native of Constantinople, Ask? But looking at the other party's fully armed appearance, the marriage must be fake, and going out to take risks is probably the real deal.

After all, this was someone else's career plan, so the deacon couldn't persuade him anymore. He turned around and took out the template contract for real estate transactions from the box on the shelf, put it on the counter and said:

"In that case, please fill in the name of the shop being sold on the contract and sign your name at the bottom of the contract. After we verify the status of your shop, we can complete the transfer and pay you the money."

If it were any other private buyer, they would definitely have to ask a lawyer to review the contract, verify their identity, check the property deed and other documents before making the real estate transaction. They would also have to ask the Orthodox Church to be present to notarize the entire process, which would take at least a day or two to complete.

This is also the reason why Ask chose to sell it directly to the Orthodox Church: to save trouble.

After signing the contract, the church deacon stuffed the two documents into the fax machine and then asked Ask to sit down in the store.

About half an hour later, the church deacon who had just finished the call came over and said:

"The property you want to sell has been verified and the transfer procedures have been completed. Do you want to pay directly to your bank card or in cash?"

"Cash now," said Ask.

The church deacon took out a stack of banknotes, counted them, and handed them to Ask.

The latter took the banknotes, but did not put them into his wallet immediately. Instead, he asked the deacon: