The Azure Longsword

Chapter 31: The role of Mount Paradise


"Ask a question!" Nora raised her hand obediently, "What is a demiplane fragment?"

"It's a space." Ask explained, "There are multiple dimensions in the universe, just like the book in my hand. The main world space we are in is like one of the pages. Although different pages are close together, they are parallel to each other. As two-dimensional people on the pages, we have no way to travel through higher dimensions and go to another page."

"But sometimes, two parallel dimensions overlap." He demonstrated by bending two pages so that the outer edges fit together. "In this way, we can run from one page to another, that is, from one space to another. Each space is a plane, and some smaller spaces are demiplanes. If they are divided by external forces and the demiplane is torn again, then the smaller products are demiplane fragments. This book is the key to that demiplane fragment, an anchor of space."

"Doesn't that mean?" Nora realized something immediately, her beautiful eyes sparkling, "a special space that belongs only to our team?"

"Wait a minute." Eleanor also raised her hand. "I don't understand."

"It's very simple, Ellie." Nora explained to her, "Just like the heroic team in the legendary novels, there is always a wizard, right? When the heroic team is exhausted after adventuring all day, the wizard will summon a house with plenty of hot water, wine and food, so that the heroic team can fully rest and recover. This demiplane fragment is equivalent to a house we can summon."

"Great." Eleanor said, "I want hot water, good wine and food right now. Can you make them happen, Captain?"

"Of course not." Ask laughed and said, "As you can see, the sealed space in the book is just an island. There is no food, drink, or other resources... There were originally a lot of corpses and creatures from the Dream Cult, but I just drove them out. Now they are probably sinking to the bottom of the sea."

"That's no use," Eleanor said, shaking her head.

"Although there's nothing in there right now," Peggy, who had been silent the whole time, spoke up, "but we can put it in there."

"That's right!" Nora clapped her hands. "We can put things in there. That island is big enough to hold countless warehouses! We'll be traveling around the world in the future! We can throw all kinds of supplies and wilderness survival equipment in there, and take them out when we need them. Don't worry about the weight of the transportation!"

"We can brainstorm on how to use the demiplane fragments." Ask looked at the sky, estimated the time and said, "The merchant ship will probably arrive in the afternoon. I'll summon the island first... to prevent this small boat from being washed away by the waves."

He opened the book, mobilized his spiritual power and pushed open the door, and the island instantly appeared on the ocean. Everyone sat down in the middle of the open space on the top of the mountain again.

"Everyone think about it. If you could decide, how would you use this island?" Ask stood up, put his hands behind his back and walked out leisurely. "You can discuss it freely first, and I will come over to ask for your answers later."