The Azure Longsword

Chapter 36: The second fight


Life Steal I, can absorb the opponent's vitality through close contact.

It can interfere with the flow of life force in the opponent's body, such as preventing the opponent's life force from flowing in after inflicting a wound, causing the wound to be unable to heal. Or it can lock the flow of life force at the shoulder, causing the arm to necrotize and shrink due to lack of life force.

The stolen vitality can also be transformed into a drop of physical essence, Stamina, which will become a healing medicine after dilution. External application can quickly heal injuries.

The absorbed vitality can satisfy Flesh and Blood I's need to consume 2 ml of blood every day.

Ask looked at the text message sent by Nora on his mobile phone and roughly understood the characteristics of Peggy's abilities.

Great, then there is one level 2 in the team. Ask thought to himself, if you count Medea, one and a half.

Life Steal I is somewhat useful in early combat, but completely useless in the late game, because you have to make contact to absorb life force, and enemies obviously won't just stand there and let you smack them.

So it becomes a dirty way of fighting with the enemy, and the blood you can suck is really limited. If you upgrade to Life Steal II in this sequence, it will become a long-range blood sucking, which is much more practical in combat.

"In the next fight, our opponent is the Yellow Team." The big "Barbarian" sharpened his battle axe nearby and said calmly, "The leader is a Varangian, a descendant of our Vikings in the Siberian wilderness."

"He is armed with a huge sword that needs to be held with two hands. It is longer and heavier than the greatsword you used in your last battle. I was defeated by him before, and I was able to save my life by dropping my weapon in time."

"If possible." He picked up the battle axe and blew on the bright and beautiful blade, "Let's kill him this time."

"Are you so murderous?" Ask frowned. If this guy was a murderer, wouldn't recruiting him into the team destroy our unity

"Hey, isn't the reason you become a gladiator to kill people?" the barbarian asked curiously.

"No." Ask answered confidently. I became a gladiator just for the potion of Sharp Weapon I and to see if I could recruit potential teammates. "Are you here to kill people?"

"Of course not," said the barbarian. "I applied for the Emperor's Varangian Shield Guard, but was rejected. I also spent all my money on the road, so I had no choice but to come here and become a gladiator to make a living."

"So what's your dream?" Ask asked casually, "For example, when you become rich."

"I want to be a lord," said the barbarian. "First, I will find a nobleman to pledge allegiance to, then be knighted, get my own territory, and finally kill thieves and escaped criminals every day."

"You still say you don't have a murderous nature?" Ask didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Who would dream of killing criminals?"

"What I pursue is not killing, but enjoying the process of fighting, do you understand? For us northerners, only by dying gloriously like a warrior can we be taken to Valhalla's Hall of Heroes after death to enjoy all day long feasting, singing and wrestling." The barbarian sighed.