The Azure Longsword

Chapter 37: Teammates with violent output


The Bonecutter had shoulder armor on his shoulders, which blocked the Falling Phoenix Slash intact. Ask landed steadily, dodged the Bonecutter's punch with a side step, and stabbed upward with a flick of his long sword.

"Upper section of the rapid thrust?" A guard officer exclaimed in astonishment, "It doesn't look like it."

"It's Piercing the Clouds," Michael said. "When he dodged sideways, his knees bent downward, and when he drew his sword, they bounced up quickly. This is the classic move of the Bavarian Lion Spear Piercing the Clouds."

"Is it the spearmanship of the Duke Henry the Lion?" The guard officer expressed his confusion. "Can spearmanship be used with a straight sword?"

"If the user has a perfect understanding of swordsmanship and spearmanship, it should be possible," said Michael.

The long sword pierced into the jaw of the bonecutter's helmet, creating a little spark and leaving only a faint white mark of metal.

The Bonecutter swung his greatsword wildly in anger. The whistling sound of the wind brought an extremely sharp feeling of blowing in the face. Even the barbarians and the Bonecutter's assistant who were fighting nearby had a strong sense of danger and hurriedly moved away while fighting in panic.

Ask suddenly squatted down, dodging the Bonecutter's huge horizontal slash, and swung the straight sword in his hand quickly and agilely, making a clanging sound on the Bonecutter's shin armor.

"Ancient Solomon swordsmanship, Bat-Kiri." The guard officer complained, "This is too shameless. The Varangian is fully armored, just like a steel turtle. How can Achilles break through with a straight sword, even if he has excellent swordsmanship?"

Ever since Michael found out about Ask's identity as a local noble, the other guard officers who were also from the imperial military nobility had naturally developed a liking for Ask and were now completely on his side.

"He's testing." Michael frowned and thought, "He's probably testing the weak points of the Bonecutter's armor to see if there's any place he can attack."

"Try it out in front of an opponent of this level? It's too dangerous. If you are hit by the sword, you will die! There is no way to rescue you." The guards officers started discussing.

"Danger? He has already exchanged four moves with the opponent. How can he look like he is in danger? He is obviously able to handle it with ease."

"Look at him... Oh, Wings Flutter + Continuous Thrust, this is the Eagle Sword. If the Bonecutter on the opposite side didn't have armor protection, he would have died several times by now."

"I still suffered from the weapons, what a pity."

"Full Moon Slash? No, it's the Full Moon Cross Slash! A straight sword can be used like a greatsword, I'm impressed."

"How many more times do you think the Bonecutter will be chopped by him?"

"I understand!" Michael suddenly slapped the table, attracting the attention of the surrounding guards. "He is trying to provoke the other party! To induce him to reveal his flaws!"

In the arena, Ask dodged the giant sword again, and the long sword flapped its wings, hitting the guard of the Bonecutter, making a sound of metal hitting metal.

"Hehe, Hudang." He chuckled.

The Bonecutter had already swung his sword more than ten times, but failed to even cut the corner of Ask's clothes. As he was gasping for breath, he heard the other party's taunting words, and a nameless fire immediately rose in his heart.

"Waaaaaah!" The Bonecutter roared, raised his oversized sword, and chopped down at Ask in front of him with all his strength.