The Azure Longsword

Chapter 40: The great dragon falls, and the young dragon ascends


"So you were expelled from the Thieves Guild?" Ask looked at her with a smile.

"Oh, I didn't mean to do that." Mia sat on the railing of the stairs leading to the second floor, swinging her legs back and forth boredly.

"I thought that since the golden-striped leeches can be sold for money, wouldn't it be the same whether I sold them earlier or later? Why not put the money in my pocket earlier? So I caught all the leeches in the reservoir, mashed them into pulp and put them all in a jar. I originally wanted to take them out to sell... well, give them to Mastro to sell for money."

"As a result, when I returned to the guild, I saw him standing at the door with a livid face, asking me what was in the jar I was holding. I told him it was the flesh paste of a golden-striped leech, and then he snatched it away and took a look, then beat me up and said that I had committed a serious crime of property damage and that I had been expelled from the Thieves Guild."

The more she spoke, the angrier she became. She clenched her fists and pounded them on the railings. "What do you think is going on here? Didn't I sell the meat without permission? Didn't he take all the meat back? How can there be any major property loss? This is simply, simply making up a false accusation!"

This NPC can actually use idioms... Ask complained in his heart. Of course, considering that the original "Iron and Fire" game world is not a purely Western fantasy world, it is not surprising that the NPC can use idioms - in the province of Cyrus, there is a Chinese NPC from the Dragon Kingdom who can recite the "Tao Te Ching" and "Huangdi Neijing".

"Do you know why gold-striped leeches are valuable?" Ask asked her.

"Because there is a distinguished young master like you who would buy it." Mia said flatteringly.

"Don't flatter me!" Ask's face darkened, and he slapped her on the forehead, causing Mia to groan and hold her head in her hands with tears in her eyes. "Golden-striped leeches are spiritual materials, used to make potions, do you know?"

"It's the magic potion that the extraordinary people have to take, right?" Mia showed a self-righteous expression of "Of course I know", "Well, then we just need to sell it to the extraordinary people."

"The golden-striped leech is one of the main ingredients of the life-stealing sequence potion. However, not all extraordinary people need to take the life-stealing sequence potion." Ask explained to her.

"If you can't find a suitable extraordinary buyer, you won't be able to sell your meat paste. And once the golden striped leech is killed, its spirituality will slowly drain away from the material."

Mia slowly opened her mouth and said with difficulty after a while: "So, I can't sell my big jar of meat paste?"

"It's probably going to be difficult," said Ask.

“And the spirituality will be lost. If it can’t be sold in the short term, it will be scrapped?” Mia asked.

"Yes," said Ask.

"Please just accept me!" Mia suddenly pounced at Ask's feet as nimbly as a little wild cat, hugged his legs and burst into tears.

"My jar of meat paste contains about 60 to 70 golden-striped leeches... That's equivalent to a loss of 6,000 to 7,000 pounds! Even if you sell me, you can't pay back that much money! Mastro will definitely kill me! Why don't I join your mercenary group? If Mastro comes looking for me, you have to help me stop him!"