The Azure Longsword

Chapter 46: Arcane Mage


If there is a very famous NPC in the game world of "Iron and Fire".

Needless to say, it must be Theodora.

The Empire's Purple Princess Theodora is known as the "most beautiful woman in the game."

The online games here do not only refer to "Iron and Fire", but to almost all games that have been released. Almost all female NPCs known for their beauty cannot compare with her in appearance.

In the character modeling of this NPC, the head model alone cost 130 million US dollars.

The distance between the eyes, the length of each eyelash, the height and width of the nose bridge, the nasolabial folds, the shape of the forehead, and the position of each tooth were all designed by 13 of the world's top game design teams to ensure that they conform to the aesthetic culture of both Eastern and Western nations.

One month before the official release of "Iron and Fire", the game company used the finished product, Theodora's dancing video, to do a marketing campaign that was a hit.

After all, no matter when and where, beautiful NPCs are always a major eye-catching factor in online games.

The result was just as the game company had expected. Theodora's "peerless beauty" was praised by the media as "perfection that no normal human can achieve". Together with the soon-to-be-released game "Iron and Fire", it appeared on major game forums, video sites, game enthusiast circles, cosplay groups, comic convention books, life-size models of pillow figurines, the hottest templates for plastic surgery hospitals, ** store advertising posters, and convenience store signs in third-, fourth-, and fifth-tier towns and rural areas.

Although the latter ones are no longer the communication channels that the game company wants... But all in all, the marketing effect is still perfect. Theodora, the number one beauty in "Iron and Fire", as a beautiful NPC, is destined to be recorded in the history of games.

At this moment, Ask looked at Theodora's beautiful eyes, and the first thought in his mind was "Why are you wearing a veil? I would know you even if you turned into ashes!"

"This beautiful lady is right!" Before he could say anything, Sidlifa shouted, "Since you're going to be shot anyway, why not let me do it!"

As she spoke, she raised the battle axe in her right hand and chopped off the young man's head in one stroke, so fast that even Eleanor had no time to stop her.

Theodora stood there in a daze, seemingly unable to react.

"Sidlifa." Ask said, covering his face. "What people call legal execution is execution by a specific executor approved by the government. You just beheaded him like this, that's called murder!"

"Ah?" Sidlifa tilted her head, not understanding the difference between murder and legal execution.

"Forget it." Theodora came back to her senses. "Such a scum should be killed to save the empire's judicial costs."

She looked at Ask, and a smile reappeared in her eyes: "You are Ask Lepius Achilles, right? The current heir of the Achilles family? Are you running a mercenary group now?"

"That's right." Ask nodded. Just as he was about to hear what the other party was going to say next, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind:

Theodora's bloodline seems to be a level 2 "Mass Mage"? An arcane spellcaster who has mastered Storm I and Wisdom X! This seems to fit my team's current needs very well.