The Azure Longsword

Chapter 48: Aid from the West


"Based on the results so far, there is nothing wrong with your spirituality and mind, Your Majesty."

After a week of careful examination, the court mage Droips carefully considered his words and replied to Her Majesty Theodora:

"The other party should not have left any malicious intentions on you. To be on the safe side, we will continue to observe you for three days."

Theodora stood on the balcony of the palace, looking down at the gray roofs below, frowning and saying:

"That island... what exactly is that place?"

"The biggest possibility is the world of collective subconsciousness." Droips replied thoughtfully, "You saw gray fog in the sea area outside the island, which should be the boundary between the subconscious and the concrete."

"The second possibility is the spirit world. A space similar to the main plane was opened up in the spirit world through a magic circle, and the gray mist may be caused by the effect of the magic circle."

"The third possibility is that you are indeed in the main plane, but you were teleported to a certain place. In the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean, similar islands are as numerous as star sands. If someone controls one, it is very likely, but the ability to teleport over ultra-long distances is relatively rare."

"Of course, as for the legendary demiplane, or the three major sub-planes such as the Abyss, Purgatory, and the Underworld, since they are really nonsense, let's not talk about them for now."

"I understand." Theodora nodded slowly, and when she saw the imperial ink officer, Lady Valomina, standing by her side, she nodded, "You can leave first."

"Yes." Droips bowed and left.

"Your Majesty." Valomina bent her knees slightly and saluted. "The West called back. Her Majesty Zoe is waiting for you in the Golden Consul's Palace."

"Lead the way," Theodora replied.

Arriving at the Golden Palace, Theodora soon learned the West's response to the request for borrowing troops.

First, some bad news for the Holy Solomon Empire.

His Majesty Emperor Otto seems to have made up his mind to interfere with the high-level changes in the Solomon Church.

The Vatican's countermeasure was to instigate Duke Wolf of Kirchberg in the Empire to secretly oppose and obstruct Emperor Otto.

Although there has not been a large-scale conflict between the two sides, they have both been preparing for war. Therefore, the Holy Roman Empire is unable to send troops to support the war in Eastern Solomon.

The second was the reply from the Holy See, that they had already invested all their wealth in the confrontation with Emperor Otto and could no longer send the Knights Templar to support the Solomon brothers in the East.

Civil unrest broke out in Khangri's country, and the messenger lost contact within the country. It was obvious that he could not be relied upon in the short term.

The only good news probably came from Venice. It was said that although the Holy See could not send troops, His Majesty Innocent of the Pope personally signed a holy war order, calling on a group of Frankish knights who brought their own dry food and equipment, and negotiated with the Venetian people, intending to let them come to support on naval ships.

This group of Frankish knights were originally small lords of the Holy Solomon Empire and the West Frankish Kingdom.

Since Emperor Otto and the Holy See were in almost semi-open confrontation, each of them instructed their dukes to expand their territories and strengthen their strength. As a result, the barons and viscounts who originally owned a castle, a town or even a village had their private armies incorporated/defeated almost overnight, lost their ancestral territories, and could only come to the East to adventure and make a living.