The Azure Longsword

Chapter 51: Poaching


Joining the ranks of the Iron Cross Mercenaries was unexpectedly smooth.

On the one hand, it may be because the Iron Cross is short of manpower for this operation, and on the other hand, it is also because there are not too many mercenaries nearby.

The developed imperial capital of Constantinople was like a black hole, sucking away all the mercenaries from the entire Thracian province, so that even though the Iron Cross had deployed its forces locally without setting any threshold, it only hired about a hundred mercenaries.

If we put such a small number of people into the mountain, I'm afraid not even a single splash will be made.

The per capita price for mercenary service is 5 dinars per day, which is a relatively low price in the mercenary business.

However, considering that he does not need to participate in the battle and is only responsible for helping the Iron Cross find people in the mountains, this price is quite reasonable.

After all, there are jobs everywhere that pay dozens of dinars or even a few pounds, but they are all dangerous tasks that require risking your life.

In comparison, it is not difficult to accept working a whole day in the mountains and then getting paid and leaving.

The meeting place was an abandoned castle on the northern foothills of the Rhodope Mountains.

The mercenaries walked into the hall in small groups, and saw the Gothic swordsmen with the Iron Cross standing in rows on both sides with their hands behind their backs, looking solemn and serious.

Standing on the circular platform on the second floor was an iron knight wearing power armor, leaning against the railing and looking at everyone with boredom.

"Shinra Knight?" Medea frowned.

"I heard that those who can wear power armor are at least knights with fiefdoms in Shinra." Nora said in surprise, "Are there knights who become mercenaries?"

"Your information is outdated." Ask said, "At this point in time, Emperor Otto has already cracked the Vatican's armor technology and started mass production of power armor in the country. When we have the chance in the future, we can also go to Shinra to buy a few sets."

"Listen up, mercenaries!" Seeing that the mercenaries below had all arrived, the armored knight on the second floor took out a loud speaker and shouted to the mercenaries:

"Most of the people who come here are willing to be hired by us, the Iron Cross, to go to the mountains to look for the wanted criminal Fengksim, right?"

"I'll emphasize the price again. If you confirm your acceptance, we will pay 2 dinars on the spot.

"After today, if you don't find Fengxim, come here to collect the remaining three dinars."

"If someone is lucky enough to find Feng Keshim's trail, we will directly pay him a reward of 5 pounds after confirming the clue is true!"

"Of course, some cunning guys might think, I'll take two dinars first, then slip away, can you, the Iron Cross, catch me?"

"Let me put it this way. If you want to take advantage of these few dinars, we don't lack the money. What we want is effective clues!"

"You don't have to confront Fengxim directly. Once you find his trace, come back and report to us immediately! I emphasize again that the reward is 5 pounds!"

The armored knight's words immediately set off a noisy wave of voices among the mercenaries below.

Obviously, some mercenaries who may have previously thought that "I'll just hang around in the mountains after getting paid" have now drawn their attention to the price of "5 pounds".