The Azure Longsword

Chapter 53: Continuous lock


"Fuck! What should I do?!" Matthews' face turned pale.

Snipers are the focus of training in almost every mercenary group.

On the one hand, it is used to deal with high-level extraordinary people, and on the other hand, it is also used to suppress the opponent's sniper.

As the popular saying among gunmen goes, "Only a sniper can deal with a sniper."

This time two snipers were killed. He and Andrea will definitely be punished and criticized by the headquarters. There is no way to escape it.

"You're the leader of a fucking mercenary group!" Andrea was almost furious, and roared without regard for his manners, "Who else are you asking? Ask your mother!!!"

"What's wrong with me venting my anger?" Matthews retorted, "Aren't you sad that your sniper is dead?! What are you going to do next?!"

"Send in the sniper reserve!" Andrea roared, "If that doesn't work, send in the spotter!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the sniper reserves of the two mercenary groups were terrified.

It is one thing to die gloriously on the battlefield, but it is another to die in a sniper duel in public.

If you die on the battlefield, it's probably just bad luck. If you die in a sniper duel... it's simply because you're not as skilled as your opponent! It's shameful to die!

"Did you see it clearly?" Ask picked up the beret on the ground. There were bullet holes on it and the smell of gunpowder.

"Very strong." Mi'er commented.

"Are you scared?" Ask asked.

"No." said Honey.

"Let's go ahead, then," said Ask.

"Where's the reserve?!" Andrea asked again, so the sniper reserve could only crawl out reluctantly. Suddenly he exclaimed, pointed ahead and shouted, "Captain?!"

Matthews and Andrea looked at the same time and saw a man and a little girl rolling to the windowsill. They swiftly picked up the sniper rifles left behind by Leon and Franz after their deaths, and then moved carefully with their backs against the wall.

The two captains looked at each other, and Matthews's eyes clearly said, "Is he your man?"

Andrea shook his head and stared at Ask's back.

He certainly recognized the strange leader of the "Blue Sword Mercenary Group", but who was that pink-haired half-elf girl? Had she appeared before

"Listen carefully, the tactics are very simple." Ask leaned against the wall and said to Mi'er with a smile, "I will throw my hat upwards to attract his burst of fire, and then we will both stick our heads out of the cover at the same time."

"When he shoots, there will be gun flash, you can use it to detect his position, and then snipe him. Good idea, right?"

Damn it! The mercenaries present cursed in their hearts. Isn't this the plan proposed by the two dead snipers just now

"Good idea." Mi'er was oblivious to the thoughts of the mercenaries present and said indifferently, "However, at such a long distance, I may not be able to detect the position of the gunfire."

"It's okay." Ask said with a smile, "If you don't see it clearly the first time, just look at it a few more times."

The atmosphere was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Everyone was complaining in their hearts: What the hell is this "watch it a few more times"? Do you think the other person is just a sparring partner for you

"Yeah." Mi'er lowered her head and looked at the sniper rifle in her hand.