The Azure Longsword

Chapter 56: Refusal and fortune telling


"I don't think the word 'stupid' is appropriate." Ask said calmly, "You just don't have experience in this area."

"Then why do you have experience?" Nora moved closer to him, slowly put her hands around her legs, rested her cheek on her knees, and looked at him dimly.

"Asker, you never tell a thing about yourself."

"Do you want to hear it?" Ask glanced at her.

"Hmm." Nora hummed softly with a nasal tone.

"I'm not actually from Constantinople." Ask looked into the distance, "I come from a very distant plane. You can think of it as being a bit like the Dragon Kingdom, but it's very far away and almost impossible to reach by transportation - it's another world."

"Oh." Nora smiled, "I often see such plots in novels. The protagonist travels to another world for no reason, and then starts to thrive. It seems a bit like you..."

She suddenly stopped awkwardly because there was no smile on Ask's face, he just looked at her calmly.

"Where was I?" Ask was silent for a moment, then continued, "Well, my family. My father died when I was very young, and I was raised by my mother alone."

"I'm sorry," Nora said, "I didn't know..."

"Don't be sorry. This has nothing to do with you." Ask shook his head. "My father... He lives a secluded life completely disconnected from society, and makes a living by drawing and submitting works to comic websites."

"My mother is a traditional rural woman. It seems that they met through a blind date. I am still not sure whether there was love between them."

"Speaking of emotions, my father is the one who really has feelings for the second dimension. It's a weird and strong emotion that I still can't understand."

"He was obsessed with a virtual singer in a music game. I still remember her name was Orange."

"My father often pointed at Ju on the screen and said that this was his real wife."

"Every time he said this, his mother would smile helplessly and dotingly. She probably treated his father as a child who had not yet grown up."

Ask picked up a stone and threw it into the river ahead, creating ripples. “Then, when I was six years old, the music game was shut down.”

"The father couldn't accept the disappearance of Ju, so he tried to redraw Ju on paper, but Ju was a 3D model, not a paper man."

"So he started learning how to make MMD again, asking netizens for character models. But the copyright of Orange is still in the hands of the game company, and if you post it online, you will get a lawyer's letter, so no one responded to his request..."

"Later he couldn't stand it anymore and committed suicide."

"You mean, your father committed suicide because of a fictional cartoon character?" Nora said in surprise.

"Yes, this is speechless, isn't it?" Ask picked up another stone and weighed it in his hand. "This is just a story about a cowardly man who was unwilling to shoulder family responsibilities, immersed in his own false world, and finally chose to end his life because the world collapsed."

"He left in a carefree manner, but he never thought about the impact it would have on me and my mother."