The Azure Longsword

Chapter 57: Nine Star Styles


"Could this guy be a liar?" Looking at Nora's distraught appearance, Eleanor felt distressed and suspicious.

The girls were still chattering over there, so Eleanor strode over and asked directly:

"Have you decided? Or I'll be the next one."

"Go, go." The girls said hurriedly.

They wanted to debate for a while whether the prophet could be trusted.

So Eleanor walked up to Zhang Sanfeng, took out a banknote and asked:

"Are you the prophet?"

"Is that your question?" Zhang Sanfeng raised his white eyebrows. "A person can only ask one question."

"No." Eleanor said bluntly, "Then let me ask you, can I inherit my father's title smoothly?"

Zhang Sanfeng nodded, took out six copper coins and threw them on the ground, looked at the results on both sides, and said with a smile:

"You're asking about career? Hey, that's interesting. This hexagram is Fire and Thunder, with Li below and Zhen above, which means biting hard objects into pieces."

"I don't understand." Eleanor frowned and said, "Just tell me if you can do it."

"The lower hexagram is Zhen, and the upper hexagram is Li. You are asking about your father's title, but both the Li and Zhen hexagrams have a yang line as their base. Which one is referring to your father?"

Zhang Sanfeng stroked his beard, puzzled: "Your question is very strange. Judging from the hexagram, the answer should be related to two men."

"Whether I can inherit my father's title depends on whether my father is willing to hand over the family business to me." Eleanor also began to think.

"A man other than my father... You mean Ask? As long as I become the strongest with his help, my father will admit that I have strength that is not inferior to that of men, and will he be willing to let me inherit his career?"

"Don't force it, don't make it up." Zhang Sanfeng shook his head. "The most taboo in interpreting the hexagram is to force it. Let me calculate it again."

"Lower Zhen and upper Li, thunder and fire complement each other. You are asking about your career... Your career will have two peaks. The Yin hexagram represents the first peak is illusory, and the Yang hexagram shows that the second peak is real. But why is there one real and one illusory..."

"I can't solve it." He scratched his head and said in annoyance, "I am not well-educated and can't see through it. I'll return the money to you."

Eleanor took the money and walked back, repeating the conversation to the girls waiting eagerly behind her, and finally concluded:

“This is a liar.”

"See, I told you he was a liar," Mia hummed excitedly, crossing her arms, "He doesn't look like a prophet at all!"

"Eleanor," said Medea, frowning, "you call him a liar because he cannot predict your fate?"

"But if he is really a liar, then he is either trying to please you or is just talking nonsense. How can he admit that he can't predict the future?"

"Uh." Eleanor had to admit that it was logically true and the old man didn't seem to be lying.

"I'll try." Medea said this, took a pound of bill and went over.

"Girl, what do you want to ask?" Zhang Sanfeng took the money and saw the charming red-haired woman, and couldn't help but look at her a few more times.