The Azure Longsword

Chapter 59: Loot the Coliseum


According to historical records, when the Venetian ships loaded with Frankish knights suddenly and unreasonably broke into the Golden Horn, the first reaction of the defenders of Constantinople was confusion.

When the news reached the Golden Russary Palace, the two emperors looked confused and even subconsciously asked the ministers to confirm whether the alarm was a mistake.

After all, Constantinople had not been invaded for hundreds of years.

The Franks landed on the Galatian Peninsula, which was not protected by any city walls, opposite the main city of Constantinople along the Golden Horn, and quickly occupied the nearby industrial park.

The scattered police and sheriffs were no match for these knights.

The remaining defenders could only retreat to the main city along the Galata Bridge, and together with the Capital Guards who rushed to the scene, they began to set up a machine gun defense line along the Galata Bridge.

Not far away on the Thracian Plain, the girls were horrified to discover that black smoke had risen over Constantinople behind the city walls.

"I have been teaching you martial arts all along." Ask, who was walking in the front, said leisurely, "However, in a real war, in addition to one's own martial arts, strategy is also a very important factor."

"When you encounter an emergency like this, you must react immediately: 1. Quickly judge the situation; 2. Decide how to respond; 3. Execute the countermeasures immediately."

"Now, let's discuss these two questions: 1. What happened? 2. How should we deal with it?" He looked at the girls leisurely and threw out two questions.

Seeing Ask's calm expression, the restless people also calmed down. Mia was the first to speak:

"Needless to say? It's all burning. There must be riot in the city! Maybe the Seljuks are already at the gates and have begun to attack the city!"

"Impossible." Medea immediately retorted, "We are so close to Constantinople. If the Seljuk army is already at the gates of the city, they will definitely send out scout cavalry to patrol behind the siege array. But we have not encountered any enemies along the way."

"So we rule out the possibility that it was the Seljuks who attacked the city." Ask crossed his arms and said, "Continue."

"Is there a possibility of civil unrest in the city?" Nora asked.

"This is the most likely possibility," Eleanor analyzed. "It is said that when Constantinople was first built, it was often attacked by mountain giant tribes from the direction of the Thracian Plain. Therefore, the Theodosian Wall of Constantinople was built extremely large. It is over 100 meters high and has three floors. There are a large number of machine gun towers, mortar points and watchtowers distributed in between. Any position outside the wall will be subjected to the staggered shooting of more than three machine guns at the same time, so it is almost impossible to be successfully invaded from the outside."

"Not necessarily," said Ask. "There is no unbreakable fortress in the world."

"Another famous saying is that fortresses are always breached from within," Eleanor added, "so I think the possibility of civil unrest in Constantinople is the greatest."

"It's possible that there are foreign enemies." Medea expressed a different opinion. "The world's largest container terminal is built along the Golden Horn Bay. The frequent trade and logistics in and out make it impossible to cover this direction with city walls, and it is impossible to provide complete city defense and security."