The Azure Longsword

Chapter 6: Report vampires


The bishop who came to preach today was Metropolitan Pasidos Kadrico of the Hagia Sophia. He was a vigorous old man in his fifties, with a full forehead and a lush white beard. He wore an exquisite and elegant Orthodox robe and held a silver cross in his hand. When he heard the word "report", he immediately looked over with sharp eyes.

"Who are you going to report, kid?" Pasidos asked majestically.

"I want to report my cohabiting partner, who is also the mistress of my house, as well as my housekeeper, my personal valet, my head maid, and the other servants in my house, a total of 24 people, all of whom are evil vampires." Ask said righteously, "They murdered my parents and kept me in the dark. Now that I have discovered their identities, I came here immediately to report to you."

"Vampire?" Metropolitan Pasidos frowned. In the East Solomon Empire, vampires were not subject to hunting as required by law, provided they were officially registered with the church and lived in designated places. If what Ask said was true, then it was undoubtedly a foreign filthy vampire that needed to be cleansed and purified.

Ask stood there, and suddenly felt a faint light. The faint light surrounded him, as if it passed through every inch of his hair and skin, with a sense of careful inspection. There was no doubt that this archbishop was not an ordinary person, but a strong man who was at least level 7 and mastered the power of the law. Only he could use his spirituality to activate the identification aura so secretly.

Considering that the demonic tide of the Sixth Epoch had just begun to rise, this meant that the Archbishop was at least an ancient man born in the Fifth Epoch, and was at least over 200 years old.

"In that case." After confirming that the man in front of him was a pure human, Pasidos nodded carefully and said, "I will send a team of armored holy cavalry directly under the church. You lead them to your mansion to complete the purification mission. May God bless you, child."

"May God bless you." Ask immediately said solemnly.

Walking out of the church gate quickly, Ask saw a group of knights coming from the left. They were all wearing holy white power armor, with various sacred runes printed on the armor, and holding high-frequency shockwave swords or engine-propelled hammers in their hands.

"My name is Alvin Gullins." The captain of the armored paladin raised his two-handed war hammer and spoke with arrogance. "Are you the citizen who reported that there is a vampire in his family?"

"It's me," said Ask.

"Very good." The captain of the Paladins said, "We are not as easy to talk to as the Archbishop in the church. If you deliberately lied about the case just to play the mercenary game... the cost of our armored paladins' duty once is enough to make you pay for your coffin in this lifetime."

"No problem." Ask said, "In fact, as long as you come to my house, you will know whether what I say is true or not."

"I hope so." The paladin captain said, "I'm not sure if there are any spies planted by your vampire among the people near the church. Let's hurry to our destination."

As soon as the knights walked out of the church, they immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding people. There was no way, these full-coverage power armors were too eye-catching, and just looking at them could give people an unparalleled sense of deterrence. Ask naturally understood what the other party meant, and he trotted all the way to lead the knights to his ancestral home, pointing inside and saying: