The Azure Longsword

Chapter 60: Count the loot


On Hearth Island, Medea is teaching Nora.

The charming red-haired beauty crossed her arms, posing as if she was an experienced person, and raised her chin to say to Nora:

"Men, there are different species. Most men are like stupid pigs, who are always having sex 365 days a year and can't help but go for pretty females when they see them."

"But there are some rare species. For example, our leader is like a proud cat."

"To deal with a cat, it's impossible to simply wait for it to chase you, because cats are basically loners. But if you insist on sticking to it, it will only think you are willing to be a lowly person."

Nora's face turned red with shame, and she almost wanted to dig a hole in the ground and crawl into it.

She and Eleanor would naturally not tell their private affairs to Medea, but the other party had psychic abilities, and Nora had been absent-minded these past few days, and her thoughts were written on her face, so she could not hide it from Medea, this old thief.

"What should we do then?" Nora asked hesitantly.

"It is important to maintain a sense of distance!" Medea took a branch that served as a teaching stick and wrote a line of words on the ground. "If you are too close, he will not value you; if you are too distant, he will ignore you."

"You can only use the method that female cats use to deal with male cats. First keep a good distance, then tease him calmly and calmly, seduce him to be happy, then quickly keep a polite and courteous distance, let him feel lost, and then tease him again."

"It's like flying a kite, loosening and pulling, loosening and pulling."

"This..." Nora hesitated. It was not difficult to do this, but why did it feel like a green tea bitch

Medea read her thoughts again, and the red-haired beauty immediately scolded her:

"What is a green tea bitch? Oh my god, Nora, are you questioning the valuable experience that love experts have accumulated over thousands of years!"

"Listen carefully, there is no way that a direct licking of the fur will end well. Taking the initiative to confess will only lead to rejection, and if you are rejected, you will be alienated!"

"Your current situation is already very dangerous, just like being hit on the forehead by a lion's fang. You will be killed and your head will be split apart in the next moment!"

"Uh." Nora didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Your metaphor..."

"How could I say such a thing?!" Medea held her forehead helplessly, thinking that she must have been trained too hard by Ask before and was brainwashed by his teaching content. She quickly corrected herself and said:

"Anyway, you know what I mean. You can't be too close to him, but you can't be too distant either. The key lies in the four words 'close yet distant'."

Just as she was talking about the secrets of love, she heard the girls' exclamations from the other side.

The two of them quickly got up and ran over, and saw that there were countless boxes and cabinets on the open space, and more things were still being teleported in.

Ask walked over to one of the cabinets and opened its door, revealing the neatly arranged potions inside.

Although they are all Level I potions of the Gladiator Sequence and Cornerstone Sequence, they are enough to solve the urgent needs of some members of the team.

"Suck!" The girls saw the scene in the closet and took a deep breath.