The Azure Longsword

Chapter 61: Fold sharp


"You know, it would be great if Mia's ruthless personality could be shared with Eleanor." Medea chatted with Ask in the telepathic communication. "Every time she gets entangled in moral issues, it makes me so annoyed."

"She is the kind of person who believes in the absolute theory of good and evil." Ask replied, "In her world, there is an absolute clear boundary between good and evil."

"Although such a person is too stubborn in some matters, but in the same team, at least you can trust her with your back, right?"

"In comparison, I am not so trustworthy, right?" Medea asked back, "Otherwise, you wouldn't have signed ordinary contracts with them, but a soul contract with me."

"That's because before signing the contract, you and I were temporarily hostile to each other, so I added a layer of insurance." Ask said frankly, "In fact, neither a written contract nor a soul contract is the only factor in maintaining a team."

"The most important thing is whether this team can bring enough benefits to everyone."

"It seems that you and I are the same kind of people." Medea chuckled. "Benefits are indeed the premise of cooperation. But, apart from interests, are there really no other factors that can maintain a team? For example, feelings?"

"Emotions are unreliable." Ask shook his head. "Even if brothers start a business together, they may become enemies after they become successful, let alone ordinary friends."

"What if it's a girlfriend?" Medea asked meaningfully.


"I'm just giving you an example," Medea said. "For example, if a husband and wife start a business together, it will be safer and more stable than if brothers work together."

"It's probably because the couple has common property, and after the brothers divide the property, they each look after their own, so they haggle over every penny."

"Now you are trying to win everyone over by gaining extraordinary power, simply because everyone's level is still low and they temporarily need you to lead the way in the mysterious world. As your subsequent levels increase, the corresponding potion formulas and materials will become more and more difficult to find."

"Even if it's you, you can't take care of the upgrade needs of seven girls at the same time. There will always be a sequence. Those who are taken care of first will naturally have no complaints, but those who are delayed in the order, won't they complain?"

At this point, Medea sneered and continued, "At this time, they will inevitably think, since the team gives priority to supplying resources to others, why can't I leave the team and work alone?"

"If we act alone, we might be able to find the ingredients for the potion formula more efficiently."

"By then, what will you use to maintain this team? At the same time, provide everyone with high-level potion formulas or materials. Do you have such ability?"

"You mean..." Ask pondered.

"People will come together for the sake of benefit, and they will also separate for the sake of benefit." Medea laughed, "However, if it's a silly girl like Nora, even if you don't care about her potion supply in the future, she will still follow you wholeheartedly, right? This is the benefit of using emotions to maintain a team."