The Azure Longsword

Chapter 64: Spirituality is full


The long sword stabbed out.

A simple stab went straight into the knight's eyes under the helmet.

The Frankish knight turned his head to avoid it, but the long sword deflected almost at the same time, still aiming straight at his eyes.

Can't hide!

A huge premonition of danger arose in the knight's heart, and he stopped hastily while charging, raised his greatsword, and tried to block the attack directed at his eyes.

This block blocked his vision. Ask raised his left hand like lightning, Imperial Eagle!

The elephant hunting bullet flew out of the barrel with an almost terrifying force, shattering the giant sword, helmet, and the knight's entire skull.

Even with level 4 physical strength, one still cannot escape the realm of mortal flesh and blood, and is still vulnerable to anti-material firearms.

Only one of the three knights remained. Ask retreated instead of advancing, quickly came to Sidlifa's side, and calmly ordered through the radio:

"Retreat collectively!"

Upon hearing this, the girls immediately turned around and retreated. Sidlifa followed Ask and ran at the end, shouting in dissatisfaction:

"Why retreat? There's only one enemy left, I can kill him easily!"

"Because reinforcements have arrived, idiot!" Medea scolded mercilessly in the mental communication channel.

The so-called reinforcements were actually the Frankish knights who were controlled by Medea at the beginning, and his two companions who were held back by him.

After a beating, the controlled knight finally woke up and was rushing over here with his companions.

From the battle just now, the girls realized the powerful strength of the Frankish knights. Even the charge attack of three knights exceeded the limit of Eleanor's defense ability.

If they were to kill that one knight in an attempt to gain a quick kill, they would be entangled by the three knights coming from behind, and the team would immediately be put in the unfavorable situation of facing four knights at the same time.

There might be casualties as a result.

"Medea, can you control another one?" Eleanor asked in the channel.

"No, they are already consciously avoiding looking at me." Medea replied quickly, "It's impossible to control it."

"What should we do?" Nora cried out anxiously.

She noticed that although the four knights behind her were wearing full body armor, they were still running very fast, and the distance between them was even narrowing.

If you can’t outrun your opponent with speed, you naturally can’t use the kite tactic.

If they didn't fight back and just ran away, the situation could easily turn into a test of endurance, and in this regard, the girls were no match for the knights who focused more on physical strength.

"Use the Prism Tactics," Ask said, "Use the Two-Man Wingman Tactics, and create some distance first!"

The prism tactic comes from the Protoss tactic in the classic game "StarCraft". When the enemy is about to kill the low-health unit, use the transport plane prism to quickly collect the low-health unit to avoid being killed.

The "prism" that Ask refers to is actually the Hearth Island that can be teleported to at any time.

Everyone quickly extended their spiritual power, and their figures instantly disappeared from the spot—heading to the Hearthfire Island in the demiplane fragment.

Only Peggy and Mia were left at the scene. The latter rolled over and grabbed "Absurd Dream" in her hand, then stepped into Peggy's shadow and disappeared into the shadow world; the former, relying on the high-speed body movement of vampire blood, rushed forward quickly.