The Azure Longsword

Chapter 67: Conspiracy sequence


"You want me to drink this potion?" On the third floor of the ancestral home, Mia asked suspiciously as she looked at the potion Ask took out.

"Yes." Ask said, "Shadow Dancer Bloodline, the next potion is Dodge I."

"No," Mia said, "I already have Shadow I. The next potion should be Shadow II."

"That's not the case." Medea explained, "Any bloodline is composed of more than three potion sequences. The order of taking them only needs to follow the order from low sequence to high sequence. There is no restriction on which potion sequence to take first."

"For example, if you already have Shadow I, then you can take Dodge I next without any problems. Start with a different sequence of low-level potions. This is called The Stable Path."

"You should pay attention to whether you should take high-level potions before taking all the low-level potions in the sequence." Medea continued, "Let's use the same example. For example, if you already have Shadow I, you should take Dodge I next."

"But you chose to take Shadow II in advance. The short-term benefit of doing so is a rapid increase in combat power, because Shadow II potions are more powerful than other Sequence I potions."

"The long-term hidden danger is that the risk of losing control increases. When you take Weakness I next, the potion of Weakness I will erupt into a more intense conflict with Shadow II, greatly increasing your risk of losing control. This method is called 'The Steep Path'."

"In the long run, most extraordinary people should choose the steady path, first taking all the low-level potions in their bloodline, and then climbing up step by step."

"This is the safest way. Once you have taken all the low-level potions in the sequence, the risk of losing control will be much smaller."

"But there are several situations where the extraordinary may be forced to choose the steep path." Medea raised two fingers.

"First, you are about to encounter great danger and need to improve your strength quickly in a short period of time. Second, the combination of bloodline magic potions on hand is incomplete, and you don't know which other sequence you should take. You can only choose to improve your strength in this sequence first."

"Ms. Mia, which of the above situations do you belong to?"

"Uh." Mia hesitated. "Should I take this bottle of Dodge I? What effect does it have? Will it cause a conflict? I'm afraid of the pain..."

"The function of Dodge I is to allow you to accurately control time and distance, and enhance your ability to dodge attacks." Ask said, "After you digest it, it will be difficult for the enemy to hit you."

"Hey, if you want to hit me in the name of training, does that mean I'm more likely to dodge successfully?" Mia's eyes lit up.

This little brat, why is he so afraid of me? Ask's face darkened, and Medea smiled and said:

"Yes, as long as you take the dodge potion, unless Ask takes the corresponding 'hit potion', the possibility of him hitting you will definitely decrease."

"Then I'll drink it." Mia took the Dodge I potion from Ask's hand and went downstairs to find Nora to take care of her.

"It's not good to lie to children like this." Ask said tactfully.

"I'm not lying." Medea said with a smile, "I'm just saying that the probability of your attack hitting her will decrease. Even if it decreases from 100% to 99.9%, I'm not lying."