The Azure Longsword

Chapter 71: Departure from Constantinople


Nora said, "Oh!" and suddenly realized something.

"Asker, you had already predicted the situation in Constantinople today? Did the prophet from the Dragon Kingdom tell you?"

Well done, Nora! Ask nodded mysteriously and continued:

"Yes. He also told me that the fall of the Eastern Solomonic Empire is inevitable. Even if Constantinople is not conquered by the Franks, it will be conquered by the Seljuks in the East."

"Your sister Zoe will flee to the province of Sirius and re-establish the Apollonia Empire there. There, she will marry Michael Paphlagonia, the most powerful banker in Sirius, and thus stabilize her regime in Sirius."

"However, the Thracians and Serbs soon rebelled, and the new empire was unable to retake Constantinople. Zoe spent her entire life dealing with court conspiracies and recovering the lost territory of Macedonia, while you were completely sidelined by her and spent the rest of your life in the palace."

"Is this also what the prophet said?" Theodora expressed doubt.

"I'm afraid it's hard to gain your trust in my predictions about the future. Why don't I tell you something that's easy to verify?" Ask recalled the biography of "Theodora" on the official website and said with a smile:

"You were born in the palace, wrapped in purple silk swaddling clothes. Your father even refused to allow the church to baptize you, fearing that you would catch a cold."

"Your father didn't want you to get married because he was afraid that his son-in-law would take away the royal power. But one time he softened his heart and took you to see Romanus, the judge of the imperial capital at that time, in private, to ask you how you felt about this man."

"And your answer is that he looks like a stuffy old man, and he's not handsome, and he's older than you."

Theodora was immediately shocked, her face almost couldn't hold back. The two things Ask mentioned were palace secrets that actually happened.

The former was known only to a few people in the palace, and the latter was something that His Majesty Constantine communicated to her privately, with no third person present - how could he possibly know!

Could it be that everything he said was true? Theodora thought of his prophecy about the fall of the empire, and her heart suddenly became heavy again.

Is this my next fate? Flee to the province of Sirius with my sister Zoe and live out the rest of my life in a monastery

Seeing her face full of despair and a look of complete destruction, Ask, sensing the opportunity, immediately struck while the iron was hot and said with a smile:

"Of course, there is another way now, right in front of you."

"Be a mercenary?" Theodora asked coldly.

Since the other party was frank, she did not intend to continue to be hypocritical: "I don't think being a mercenary is a good choice. Since you know my identity, you should know that even if I lose my political status, I can still live a comfortable life in Xiris and don't have to worry about the rest of my life."

"What can I get from being a mercenary? Remuneration? Just the tortoise-shell hairpin on my head can hire all the mercenaries in Constantinople for a whole month!"