The Azure Longsword

Chapter 73: Night Watch


"Mercenary?" The knight glanced at everyone, lingering on Mi'er's sniper rifle for a while, and his tone seemed a little disdainful.

"Is there anything unusual ahead?" Ask asked with a smile, leaning against the roadblock.

"This has nothing to do with you, commoner." The Night Watch Knight said coldly.

"No, all adventures are related to us." Ask said with a chuckle, "We are mercenaries."

"I know you are mercenaries who are only interested in profit, but this undead incident has nothing to do with you." The knight said coldly, "The reason we put up the roadblock here is because there was an underworld invasion in the village of Peramos ahead."

"Invasion from the underworld?" Nora asked curiously.

The knight frowned and glanced at her, then sneered sarcastically:

"Ah, so he's not just a mercenary, but a scholar with a strong curiosity?"

"Listen carefully, the underworld is a secondary plane parallel to the main plane—of course, it is parallel in theory, but it overlaps in certain situations."

"At this time, the evil undead spirits from the underworld will rush into the main plane through the overlapping entrances of the two planes to kill people."

"So you see? There's no lost riches, legendary treasures, or super-rich nobles in distress here... just a bunch of moving, extremely dangerous corpses, and the Night's Watch to take them to their new rest."

"I understand," said Ask. "Now that you say that, let's be frank: we are here for spiritual material."

The knight showed a surprised expression when he heard this, and stared at him for a while, as if he was surprised that the other party knew the word "spiritual material".

"If that's the case, then come in." The knight sighed helplessly and stepped aside to make way.

So Askla opened the roadblock and called for the girls to follow.

Peggy walked up to him and whispered, "Asker..."

"It's okay." Ask could hear her worry. "The Night's Watch will only deal with evil undead supernatural beings."

"That's right." The knight turned around and said, "If there are any extraordinary people of the Undead among you, as long as you don't do evil, you have nothing to fear in front of the Night's Watch."

The knight led everyone to a hill where countless tents were set up with the flags of the Night Watch flying on top.

Guarding the mountain road were two armored knights, holding rifles and shields. When they saw the group of people coming along the mountain road, both knights showed surprise on their faces.

"Hasimodo," one of the knights said, "are these people mercenaries from outside? You should know that because of what happened last time, the commander was very annoyed with the mercenaries. This time, he doesn't want any outside forces to interfere in our operations."

"We can't do anything about it," replied Hasimodo, the Night Watch Knight. "If they really want to come in and investigate, we can't stop them with our limited manpower—and we can't just shoot them."

"You can't just let it in like that." Another knight said dissatisfiedly, looking at the people behind him, frowning and asking:

"What's the name of your mercenary group?"

"The Blue Sword." Ask replied.

The Night Watch Knight said coldly: "Wait here."