The Azure Longsword

Chapter 74: Outsider


"Your base will be temporarily set up here. In four hours, we will go to clean up the nearby undead mutation area."

Hasimodo found an empty space outside the cluster of tents and said.

"Thank you." Ask said calmly, "By the way, can we make a deal with the Night's Watch?"

"Generally speaking, we don't open trade to outside mercenaries." Hasimodo refused.

"Since it's 'generally speaking', that means there are exceptions, right?" Ask said with a smile.

The Night Watch Knight Hasimodo sighed, then suddenly pressed his shoulder hard and said viciously:

"Listen, I know you mercenaries too well. You are like flies that smell blood, always buzzing around the edge of the battlefield, never letting anyone rest."

"When you encounter weak supernatural creatures, you rush over like swarms to besiege them; when you encounter powerful and evil undead spirits, you flee faster than anyone else. You have no honor or shame that a warrior should have!"

"The reason we let you in is not because we are willing to accept you, but because we are worried that you will follow us and cause trouble. You are more likely to cause trouble than to help us. Do you understand?!"

"If you are honest enough and follow us night watchmen obediently, I don't mind letting you pick up some of the leftovers of the spoils, but that doesn't mean I will tolerate your misbehavior."

"My patience is limited. And you definitely don't want to see me lose my patience."

He uttered a final threatening remark, pushed Ask forward forcefully, then turned around and left.

Ask took a half step back, steadied his body, then stretched out his right arm and held down Peggy who had drawn her sword and was about to rush forward.

"Let go and let me kill him!" Peggy turned her head and showed her sharp little fangs.

"Just be patient, Peggy." Ask said slowly.

"Ask, aren't you angry?" Mia said angrily. Not only her, but the other girls also looked as if they had been humiliated. They all stared at Ask to see how he would answer.

"I'm not angry." Ask said calmly, "You're angry now because others look down on you. When others admire you in return, will you still be complacent about it?"

"We are all adults now. We should learn to focus on our own affairs and not let other people's opinions sway our mentality. Do you understand?"

"I see." Mia showed a look of sudden enlightenment, "So you adults must remain calm in the face of honor and disgrace. Only an underage girl like me who loves to bear grudges can take revenge, right? I'm going to sneak into his tent and steal all his money and clothes!"

As she said this, she was about to move forward, but Ask grabbed her head and forced her to turn around.

"I didn't ask you to take advantage of your age to cause trouble." Ask didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said to everyone with a stern face, "Have you finished your practice homework today? Do you still have time to be angry with others?"

"Eh!!!" the girls stretched out their voices and shouted in dissatisfaction.

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