The Azure Longsword

Chapter 75: Ghoul


To the Night's Watch, foreign mercenaries are something they hate.

One of the reasons is that it is pervasive.

As long as they smell any signs of undead mutation, these foreign mercenaries will flock in.

No matter how the Night Watch set up a blockade or how they tried to drive them away violently, they always found a way to infiltrate.

Unfortunately, as a worldwide supernatural organization, the Night's Watch attaches great importance to its reputation in the outside world and cannot do such evil things as directly killing these mercenaries.

The second reason is the lack of discipline.

Even though they were following the Night's Watch, they did not obey the orders of the Night's Watch Knights.

When the wind is in their favor, they rush forward in a disorderly manner, but when they see signs of defeat, they run away faster than anyone else.

Sometimes they would lure monsters to the Night's Watch lines, or steal the Night's Watch's equipment, causing the Night's Watch Knights a lot of headaches.

The third reason is that the strength is too weak.

This is the original sin of everything. If these mercenaries were strong enough, the previous shortcomings would not be shortcomings.

The Night Watch Knights already had a tacit way of dealing with these foreign mercenaries, which was to let them follow behind and keep them in their sight to prevent them from running around and attracting monsters.

At the same time, do not let them enter the battle line of the Night Watch Knights to prevent them from interfering with the battle of the Night Watch Knights.

For the foreign mercenaries, it is a bit uncomfortable not being able to run around, but following the Night's Watch allows them to pick up some of the spoils left behind after the battle, which is still a bit profitable.

Of course, this model is like a lion hunting in the front and a hyena following behind to pick up carrion to eat. No wonder the Night Watch Knights hold a completely contemptuous attitude towards the mercenaries.

Soon, the Night Watch Knights followed the orders from above. The Knights of the Holy Sun, Silver Moon, and Morning Star went to clear out the undead creatures according to their designated battle areas.

As the weakest group, Morning Star was assigned to the coastal area leading to Paramus, where there were ghouls and water ghosts roaming, which were relatively easy to deal with.

Although their claws are sharp and contain corpse poison, the knights are covered in power armor all over their bodies, so they are naturally not afraid of this threat.

A few hours later, Knight Commander Hasimodo, leading six Night Watch Knights of the Morning Star Team Three, were walking cautiously along the road along the sea with guns in hand.

Due to the significant reduction in manpower, the team could only optimize the weight of the equipment. Heavy miniguns and RPG rocket launchers could not be carried, and the team finally chose a configuration of 4 laser rifles, 2 shotgun shells, and 1 flamethrower, taking into account the overall attack frequency, lethality and endurance of the team.

As they were about to approach the dangerous area on the map, Knight Commander Hasimodo quickly gave the order:

"Lorent, Roger, Caris, occupy the 1 o'clock high ground. Langley, use heavy weapons to guard the pass between the two high grounds at 12 o'clock. The rest of you, follow me in a V formation and advance towards the 11 o'clock high ground."

So the knights quickly followed the command. Someone suddenly asked:

"Hasimodo, where are the mercenaries at the back? Do you want to lead them together?"

"Don't worry about them." Hasimodo paused. "Jaleven, you walk behind the team and keep an eye on them. If they show signs of trying to disrupt our formation, shoot them once as a warning, and shoot directly the second time."