The Azure Longsword

Chapter 76: Siege


What the Night Watch Captain Hasimodo arranged was the classic "Eagle Wing Tactics".

Most of the knights were distributed on the high ground on both wings. The ghouls could only charge upwards to attack, and they had to slow down due to the slope.

There is a knight holding a shotgun on the high ground on each side. This kind of close-range powerful firearm can easily knock the slowed zombies down the mountain.

The laser rifle is the main force causing casualties, sintering flesh wounds at high temperatures, accelerating the blood loss and death of the ghoul.

Since it is difficult to attack the high ground, the zombies with basic hunting instincts will of course choose to break through the central pass of the high ground on both sides as soon as possible, which is the position guarded by Knight Langri.

Although he seems to be outnumbered, Langley possesses the team's most powerful heavy weapon - a flamethrower. The ultra-high temperature flame produced by the military fuel can quickly burn to death any target within three meters in front.

Ghouls, who are naturally afraid of fire, are almost naturally restrained when facing this kind of weapon.

Therefore, neither the "Eagle Wing" direction where the high ground is located nor the "Eagle Beak" direction where the flamethrower is located can be easily breached.

If nothing unexpected happens, these zombies should be killed by flamethrowers first, and then forced to turn to attack the heights on both wings, losing a large number of manpower in the process of climbing, and finally being annihilated or escaping.

This is the ideal situation.

Of course, considering the huge disparity in numbers between the enemy and us, casualties are likely to occur.

Hundreds of zombies are rushing to the high ground together. No matter how powerful the shotgun is, it is impossible to drive them all down the mountain. The minigun may still have some chance.

However, an accident happened at the very beginning... The ghouls did not rush towards the central pass guarded by Langri as Hasimodo expected, but instead made a large arc and rushed to the edge of the high ground on the right.

Hasimodo quickly looked over there and was immediately shocked - he saw two mercenary girls running away frantically, while the zombies were chasing them relentlessly, and the distance between the two sides was closing very quickly.

"Lorent, Roger! Overclock the shooting to intercept!" The Knight Commander made a prompt decision and immediately increased the firepower projection from the high ground on the right.

Overclocking shooting is a mode that increases the frequency of firepower in a short period of time at the expense of accelerating the life loss of the laser rifle.

As the firing rate suddenly increased, more than a dozen zombies could not withstand the attack from the side and turned to pounce towards the high ground on the right.

However, for the army of zombies chasing the two mercenary girls, it was only a negligible loss of troops.

"Asker!! I won't let you go even if I become a ghost!!!" Medea's angry screams echoed in the mind channel like an explosion. Because the leading ghoul had almost caught up with her, Medea could even smell the disgusting stench of corpses behind her.

"Don't be afraid." Ask replied and took out a sniper rifle from his back. It was the weapon he got during the last hunt for Feng Kesim.

"Mi'er, prepare for the staggered suppression." Ask knelt on one knee and aimed the gun forward.

"Got it." Mi'er on the tree replied.