The Azure Longsword

Chapter 77: Actual combat training


Arcane mage.

As an extraordinary profession that originated in the Macedonian Kingdom in the Second Age, it is famous for its greatest destructive power.

There are 5 classic arcane sequences, namely fire, frost, storm, meteorite and thunder.

Essentially, fire manipulates high temperatures, ice manipulates low temperatures, storms manipulate air pressure, meteorites manipulate gravity, and thunder manipulates electromagnetism.

Born in the Eastern Solomon Empire court of the Orthodox Church, although Sheila lacks practical experience, he has no problem with theoretical knowledge and naturally knows how to unleash the power of the Storm Sequence.

Her right hand made a pistol gesture in the air, and the air pressure in the spherical area with a radius of about 1 cm in front of her index finger was being rapidly drained away under the influence of extraordinary power and spirituality.

This created a pressure difference between the inside and outside, and the outside air suddenly rushed in frantically under the natural atmospheric pressure.

In just less than 0.1 seconds, this "bullet" made of a huge amount of highly compressed air was quietly suspended in front of the tip of Sheila's right index finger.

She aimed at one of the ghouls, erasing the air pressure in front of the bullet.

This air bullet suddenly shot out, and the moment it rushed into the body of the ghoul, it was attacked by the extraordinary power in the undead body, and the "formula" that maintained the ultra-low air pressure inside the bullet immediately collapsed.

The highly compressed air bullet, which was almost condensed into substance, exploded at the moment the technique collapsed.

As if a grenade was stuffed into the ghoul's chest, it was blown to pieces, making a loud noise like a gas tank exploding.

"Wow." Attracted by the loud noise, Medea asked in the channel, "Is that also the ability of the Storm Sequence?"

"Yes." Sheila said calmly, "It uses the pressure of the sudden expansion of air. It's actually the same principle as the firing of gunpowder guns."

"Oh, air bullets." Medea immediately guessed the principle of the other party's ability and said with a smile, "In that case, I use my desire ability to lure a few more ghouls to your side. Do you mind?"

"Come on." Sheila said lightly.

In an instant, she didn't know if it was an illusion, but she seemed to have found the feeling of sitting on the ivory throne in the past. Her mind was extremely calm, but her blood was boiling.

Because this time, she is no longer surrounded by her own sister who is plotting against her, by the awe-inspiring but self-motivated ministers and guards, and by endless intrigues, plots and temptations.

It's a tense and fierce battlefield, a crisscross of steel, fire, and flesh, and... companions you can trust and fight side by side with.

She spread out her ten fingers, and at the tip of each finger, a highly compressed air bullet condensed.

"Come on, monsters." She said coldly, staring at the zombies climbing up below.

On the high ground a few hundred meters away, the Night Watch Knights were shocked to find that these mercenaries did not collapse immediately within a few seconds of the battle between the two sides.

Instead, he fought alone, with a strong attitude of defeating the majority with a small force, and tenaciously survived among the army of zombies.

"Everyone, go immediately! Form a goose formation, with fire at the front, shotgun shells following, and laser rifles behind. Go! Go! Go!" Hasimodo acted decisively and quickly changed the command order.