The Azure Longsword

Chapter 78: Please make a mistake


"The zombies on the high ground over there have been dealt with." Jia Liwen looked at the high ground where Peggy and others were, and just saw Sheila and Medea take action together and kill the last zombie.

He turned around and asked the Knight Commander, "Should we take action against these ghouls?"

Hasimodo fell silent. If it were any other time, he wouldn't have cared so much and would have just ordered the knights to go up and kill them.

However, this time, the originally planned tactics failed. For some reason, the army of zombies went crazy and turned to attack the mercenaries following them.

(This knight commander didn't know yet that the ghoul's change of direction was due to Medea's use of desire manipulation)

Under normal circumstances, these mercenaries would be surrounded and eaten by the zombies, so the Night Watch Knights would naturally take action to avenge the mercenaries without any psychological burden.

After all, if you participate in the Undead Mutation, casualties among your mercenaries are inevitable. Isn't it the duty of the Night Watch Knights to protect you

However, not only did this small mercenary group not suffer any casualties, but they also killed most of the zombies on their own.

The remaining zombies were also rounded up by them and used for training purposes by the two melee warriors.

The opponent has already shown an obvious attitude of being at ease. If the Night Watch Knight, who is already unable to exert much effort, were to force an attack, he would be clearly stealing the monster and causing trouble.

Stealing monsters... Hasimodo looked up in silence. As elite night watch knights, they had always personally killed the undead and saved humans from danger.

When did you have to compete with the mercenaries outside for monsters? When did these mercenaries outside become so strong? Are you all monsters

"Just watch first." After a long silence, Hasimodo could only say awkwardly.

As members of the Night's Watch, it is their bounden duty to destroy the undead before them; however, their dignity as elite members of the Night's Watch prevents them from doing such despicable acts as stealing monsters.

What should I do? I can only watch from the sidelines!

"What are you looking at?" The knight Lorente, who didn't know how to read people's expressions, asked directly in confusion.

Hasimodo sighed and said:

"See if they make any mistakes. If they do, we will attack and kill these zombies."

Oh oh oh oh, the Night Watch Knights suddenly realized.

After all, this is actual combat training. If you make mistakes, we, the Night Watch Knights, will rescue you and kill these zombies at the same time. This way, it will be legitimate.

Ten minutes later.

The Night Watch Knights, holding laser rifles, shotguns and flamethrowers, stared boredly at Eleanor who was still fighting the zombies.

Hurry up and make a mistake! Why haven't you made a mistake yet? Oh, I'm so angry!

"I smashed it to death! Ask!" Sidlifa shouted.

Ask fired lazily, luring another ghoul over for Sidlifa to practice on.

"How about I fire a shot to attract these zombies over here?" Knight Roger said with a wry smile on the communication channel, "Then we pretend to defend ourselves and quickly eliminate these zombies."

"Then how do you explain the shooting?" Hasimodo asked with a sigh.