The Azure Longsword

Chapter 79: Black Knight


"I feel like the supernatural power I gain from killing ghouls is a little too little," Sidlifa said.

"First, the experience points gained through killing, that is, the extraordinary power, will naturally be consumed." Ask explained, "Second, if the opponent's sequence is very different from yours, then there will be another difference loss."

"For undead spirits like ghouls, if their extraordinary power is calculated to be 100%, then Paige, as an undead extraordinary person, can probably absorb about 14% of it, and the others can only absorb single digits at most."

"The easiest ones to gain supernatural powers are the Frank Knights we fought last time. They have never taken any potions and are level 0, but they have accumulated a lot of pure supernatural powers in their bodies."

"If we only consider natural loss, this kind of extraordinary power without any characteristics can reach an absorption rate of 20%."

"According to what you said, it's not worthwhile to fight extraordinary creatures." Eleanor thought for a moment and said, "No, fighting extraordinary creatures should be for the purpose of harvesting spiritual materials."

"That's right." Ask agreed, "If you want to get spiritual materials, go to dungeons, do archaeology, explore ruins, and fight extraordinary creatures; if you want to improve your own attributes, become a mercenary, go to the battlefield, and fight humans like you and me."

"What is the spiritual material of these zombies?" asked Peggy.

"The mutated pituitary gland." Ask said, "But we don't need it. The ghoul pituitary gland is the material for the Undead Sequence potion. We can sell it directly to the Night Watch Knights."

"Then I'll go down and negotiate with them." Nora said.

The members of the Azure Sword Mercenary Group were talking and discussing here, while the members of the Night Watch Knights were standing far away on the other side, keeping a distance from the mercenaries and the corpses of the ghouls.

This actually makes a clear attitude, indicating that the Night Watch Knights will not interfere with the harvesting of materials from the ghouls, they belong to the Azure Sword.

"Don't worry, the BOSS seems to be coming." Ask looked at the hills in the distance without saying anything.

The girls followed his gaze and looked in the direction where the group of zombies had rushed from before.

"What is that?" Eleanor suddenly noticed a vague black shadow on the high ground opposite, which seemed to be walking towards this side.

Mier immediately picked up the sniper rifle and warned through the high-magnification eyepiece:

"It's a knight. A... strange knight."

The Night Watch Knights on the opposite side, seeing the Azure Sword looking off into the distance, couldn't help but also cast their gazes in that direction. With this glance, they immediately spotted the presence of the black shadow.

"It's the Black Knight!"

If you encounter a black knight in the wild, the first thing to do is to shoot. This has become a dogma in the Night's Watch organization, which has strict military training.

Four deep red hot rays immediately shot towards the black knight several hundred meters away.

It failed.

The black knight on the hill simply rolled over and dodged four laser attacks at the same time, then quickly charged towards this side.

"Disperse tactics!" Hasimodo roared, firing rapidly in the direction of the Black Knight. "Mercenary leader over there! Tell your melee warriors to stay away and maintain gun support!"