The Azure Longsword

Chapter 81: Exchange required


Half an hour later, everyone returned to the Night Watch camp.

Compared to before departure, the camp was undoubtedly much emptier at this time, but the atmosphere was more tense and solemn.

Among the Night Watch Knights who had returned, those with minor injuries were bandaging themselves, while the seriously injured knights were being rushed to the first aid tent.

In the open space outside the first aid tent, a dozen body bags were neatly displayed, covered with flags with the Night Watch's emblem.

In the Undead Mutations where the Black Knights appear, even official Night Watch Knights will inevitably be killed.

The Night Watch Knights of the Morning Star Team Three saluted the body bags as they passed through the open space with serious expressions.

Then they found the quartermaster next to the supply warehouse and displayed all their harvest.

"More than a hundred zombies? And the Black Knight?" Looking at the pile of mutated pituitary glands on the table and the high-value components removed from the Black Knight's power armor, the quartermaster immediately showed a look of astonishment.

"Your Morning Star Team 3? No casualties?" He looked up in disbelief. "Not even any injuries?"

"What?" Knight Commander Hasimodo's expression suddenly turned cold. "You will only be satisfied if we suffer casualties?"

"That's not what I meant." The quartermaster hastily denied it, feeling even more puzzled.

The three combat divisions of the Night Watch are, in order of strength, Holy Sun, Silver Moon, and Morning Star.

The knights have other names for their three divisions, namely the combat division, the support division and the miscellaneous work division.

Morning Star is the so-called miscellaneous work department.

When encountering difficult-to-deal-with super undead (such as bone dragons, liches, etc.), the Holy Sun Division is responsible for frontal siege of the undead, the Silver Moon Division is responsible for supporting from the side, and the Morning Star Division is responsible for setting up a defense line on the outside to prevent unauthorized personnel from entering (specialized in doing miscellaneous tasks).

Because of this, in this undead mutation, the Morning Star Knights gained the least and suffered the most casualties.

The quartermaster naturally felt incredible when he saw that the Morning Star Team 3 had only 7 knights in total, but was able to kill 100+ zombies and 1 black knight intact.

Before Hasimodo could speak, Lorente beside him began to blow:

"See? This is the strength of our Morning Star Team 3! Do you understand strength? Strength means coming back alive!"

"Come back alive?" A sneer came from the warehouse. Another Night Watch Knight came out and glanced at the Morning Star Team 3 with contempt. "Could it be that he didn't fire a single shot, and when he saw the Black Knight on the opposite side, he was so scared that he turned around and ran away, and only came back alive with his tail between his legs in disgrace?"

His gaze finally fell on the table, and suddenly he seemed to understand something, and his face suddenly darkened.

He didn't fire a single shot. Of course, it was just his guess. He thought that the other party probably wouldn't be able to produce any evidence...

As a result, all the evidence was piled on the table. The mutated pituitary gland of the ghoul and the armor components of the black knight were like an invisible slap in the face.

"Hehehe." The Night Watch Knights of Morning Star Team Three, led by Hasimodo, sneered without saying a word.

Although strictly speaking, these materials were "bought" from the Blue Sword rather than obtained by the team themselves.

But the other party obviously doesn't know, so everyone is happy to let the other party misunderstand and get slapped in the face.