The Azure Longsword

Chapter 864: distribute


For a normal person, having more would definitely be a heavier burden than having just one; however, for Ask, it was just the opposite.

Because he has the looting skill.

For example, if he fights Medea alone, he is basically defeated. But if Paige or Nora is present, he can plunder the former's "flesh and blood" or the latter's "cell proliferation", then even if it is one against seven or one against eight, he will be no problem.

So in a sense, the "sharing plan" proposed by Mier was indeed for his health.

Well, deduct some favorability points from Medea and add it to Mier.

Medea noticed the change in his expression and realized that she seemed to be being used by Mi'er to improve her favorability, so she changed sides without changing her expression and said:

"But if you think about it carefully, sharing is a feasible solution..."

"Didn't you say that sharing is unacceptable?" Sidlifa asked puzzledly.

"Well, I didn't say that." Medea shamelessly regretted, "My love for my husband is absolutely sincere. I can selflessly tolerate any of his quirks."


He looked at Medea in confusion, and the latter gave him a perfect and gentle smile, as if an angel had descended to earth or the Virgin Mary had been reborn.

I don't know why, but there's definitely something wrong with Medea's expression. I have to be careful...

Everyone continued to chat with each other, and then somehow they started talking about dirty jokes. Sidlifa began to brag about her body which made Ask unable to stop, Medea smiled and said nothing, and Peggy quarreled with her fiercely in a sarcastic tone.

Mia was also young and energetic, and she boasted and belittled each other with Sidlifa, even revealing some details of the process, which made Ask and Mier unbearable, and they kept shouting to stop and cover her mouth.

Finally, when Nora and Eleanor finished cooking in the kitchen and brought a variety of dishes to the table, the two of them finally calmed down a bit - mainly because Mia began to shift her attention to eating.

Huff huff huff huff huff.

After calling Theodora back, everyone finished their feast and drank a little wine, becoming a little tipsy.

As a result, Sidlifa started to bring up the issue of "time allocation" again and asked Nora and the others what they thought.

"Time allocation..." Nora's cheeks flushed, and she smiled with curved eyebrows, "Just distribute it evenly."

"That's right!" Ask spoke again, "There are eight of you in total, and two people stay together. I will take turns four times in a cycle, and each cycle is four months. This way, I can spend at least three months with each of you every year, and there will be more time for sharing."

"That's too little," Peggy said. "I need at least six months."

"It doesn't mean you can't see Ask when it's someone else's turn." Nora said with a smile, "Eleanor and I welcome you to come and play with us at any time, even if Ask is not with us."

Now Peggy had nothing to say. She and Theodora had three months, and with Nora and Eleanor, it was six months, so she had already achieved her goal.

"Thank you." She whispered so no one could hear her, and Nora on the other side laughed again.