The Azure Longsword

Chapter 866: Repeating routine?


"Who?" Ask asked.

"Your wife," said Medea.


I have many wives, which one are you

Judging from the unique softness of her voice, it should be Medea, right? Or Peggy disguised as Medea.

So Ask opened the door for her.

"Your bed seems a little big?" Medea said curiously as she followed Ask in.

"Well, Nora seems to have arranged it according to the big bed in the bridal chamber." Ask said helplessly.

In the past few years, Hearthfire Island Manor has been under Nora's management, and various large and small renovations and adjustments have been made. Among them, Ask's bedroom was replaced with an extremely huge bed, which almost filled the entire room.

It is 2 meters long and 3.5 meters wide, and there is a home theater projector on the wall so you can watch movies while lying down.

Medea took off her shoes and socks and jumped onto the bed. She bounced a few times and showed an interested expression:

"This super-large bed is really interesting. Let's install one in our bedroom in the future~"

"Why do you need such a big bed?" Ask asked speechlessly.

"You can wrestle in the **," said Medea.

"You're strong enough to wrestle me?" Ask couldn't help laughing.

"I can knock you down so hard that you can't get up, do you believe it?" Medea narrowed her eyes.


Oh, this wrestling is not that wrestling, that’s okay, bye.

Ask was about to say something when he suddenly noticed that Medea raised her wrist and a thread of mind shot towards him.

Laws of War · Rebellion!

The thread of the mind that was about to hit Ask suddenly rolled back and stabbed Medea in turn.

Medea quickly activated her spiritual power to open the field to resist the effect of her own mental thread, but Ask used his next big move again.

Laws of War: Provocation!

Under the effect of provocation, all thoughts of defense and escape turned into attack, so the thread of the mind shot out again, controlled by Ask's rebellion, and in turn pierced into her body.

"A psychic wants to fight my weapon master in close combat? Are you stupid?" Ask said inexplicably, "You have almost forgotten all the combat lessons I taught you in the past six years."

Medea did not speak. To be exact, she was controlled by the thread of her own mind.

First of all, the target controlled by the mind thread cannot move its body and can only act according to the caster's orders.

Secondly, Medea herself was the caster, but her skills were out of control. Her body was controlled by the mind thread, so she couldn't move and was waiting for orders.

However, she herself was unable to issue orders to herself because the threads of her mind were out of control, so she fell limply to the ground, completely unable to move.

It was like a puppeteer tying himself up with puppet strings.

Ask took advantage of the situation and plundered her mind thread skill, then released the out-of-control mind thread from restraining her eyes, and Medea's eyes immediately began to roll around.

"I'll ask you a few questions. Based on your answers, I'll consider whether to let you go." Ask sat down next to her and said with a smile:

"First question, why did you attack me just now?"