The Azure Longsword

Chapter 87: dispute


Shortly after defeating the Siris coalition, a grand celebration banquet was held in the palace of the Macedonian city-state, and the city-state nobles who came to attend the banquet lined up in front of the palace gate.

After all, everyone can see that with King Philip's victory in this decisive battle, Macedonia's dominant position in the Cyclades Peninsula has become unshakable.

As the King of Macedonia, His Majesty Philip has in fact become the master of the entire Cyrene.

It has become a unanimous consensus among the Macedonian nobles to please His Majesty Philip, or his successor, His Highness Alexander, who has a bright future, and then gain their own interests within the entire Macedonia-Cyris system.

And I heard that His Royal Highness Alexander has not yet designated the future queen.

Many Macedonian nobles even mobilized their connections in the palace to inquire indirectly whether His Highness Alexander had designated a female companion for the banquet.

The answers obtained were surprisingly consistent: it has been decided.

I cannot tell you who it is specifically.

In the Macedonian Palace, in a luxuriously decorated dressing room in a side hall.

"I feel a little dizzy." Peggy said, covering her forehead.

"Miss, maybe the bra strap is too tight. Let me loosen it for you." The maid immediately understood.

"Sylvia, say it again," Peggy said irritably, "Why do I have to go to that celebration dinner with your Highness?"

"Because according to the customs of our kingdom, Your Highness must be accompanied by a female companion when attending royal social occasions." Sylvia said with a smile.

"Of course, this doesn't mean that you have any relationship with His Highness. It's just a normal ceremonial escort."

"Then why not choose you?" Peggy said.

"The family behind me is a little sensitive." Sylvia still smiled, "In fact, the reason why His Highness chose you is because you have no background or power behind you. You are as clean as a blank sheet of paper."

"Your Highness hopes that this celebration banquet will be a pure military celebration banquet, rather than a political meeting that sends out some sensitive signals and makes other families suspicious of each other."

"To Your Highness, such political struggles are not only boring, but also an insult to the Macedonian soldiers who died in this war."

"I don't understand." Peggy sighed, "Forget it. Anyway, don't forget what you promised me."

"Are you looking for Mr. Ask?" Sylvia said with a smile, "Of course, we will keep our promise."

"Please remember, Miss Peggy: your current identity is Andrea, a noble lady from Athens. If someone asks you for other information about your identity, you don't need to answer anything, just keep smiling."

"It's too hard," Peggy said.

Sylvia: …

"Is there any difficulty?" Sylvia asked with a smile.

"It's tiring to pretend to be a noble lady, and it's even more tiring to smile the whole time." Peggy complained, "Also, since it's a party, why am I not allowed to eat? I also have to deal with conversations that may come up at any time!"