The Azure Longsword

Chapter 90: Grazing shot


Sidlifa and Eleanor sped up immediately. They were both equipped with advanced armor, so they were the first to face the burning stones and block the attacks for their companions behind them.

The Night Watch Knights followed suit, relying on the high defense of their power armor to form a moving steel wall, tightly protecting the remaining companions.

The rain of stones hit the shields and armor, making a dense crackling sound.

The shock wave transmitted through the armor caused considerable damage to everyone's bodies in the first round.

Almost at the same time as they were injured, everyone woke up.

The reason why these stones turned into "cannonballs" is because there is a "meteorite" sequence in the blood of Alexander's body, which can manipulate gravity to control these stones.

In other words, the farther the distance between the two sides, the faster the stone will be accelerated by gravity, and the greater the damage caused.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was barely maintained within twenty steps, and everyone could still withstand the damage caused by the gravity-amplified stones.

If the distance is further, or the stone is heavier, it would be hard to say.

Everyone could only use all their strength to sprint at full speed, trying not to be thrown away by the floating zombies.

"Two points!" Ask suddenly gave the order.

The girls immediately moved sideways and divided into two groups to the left and right.

I saw a huge stone breaking out of the ground in front of the zombie, roaring towards it with irresistible force.

The girls had just finished the diversion when the boulder ran right through the gap between them.

The Night Watch Knights were quick to recognize the situation. Although they did not understand Ask's orders, they subconsciously followed the girls' actions, and thus avoided being hit head-on by the boulder.

Only the knight Phoebus reacted a little slower. When he dodged, he was hit on the left hand by the boulder. The whole arm immediately drooped down, as if it was broken.

"Strong wind, sixty degrees ahead!" Ask warned again.

Sheila immediately used her spiritual power to cast a spell, and the zombie opened its hands at the same time.

A raging blue flame gushed out from its palm, like a high-speed torrent of sun fire, containing enormous and terrifying energy.

Two meters in front of the crowd, the flame stream encountered the strong wind caused by Shira, and was immediately blown backwards.

Even through the barrier of strong winds, everyone could feel the scorching heat and the terrible smell of burnt air.

The light was distorted, the heat was raging, and everything was evaporated in an instant.

If the hurricane hadn't blocked the flames, they would have been turned into charcoal immediately as they were bathed in the flames.

"No, the flames are too strong!" Knight Colby roared. He watched in horror as the soil on the ground in front of him melted and the mud was sintered into transparent crystals.

"This is definitely not the strength of Level 5!"

"It's Level 5!" Commander Bryce said loudly, "His power is controlled at Level 5, but the spirituality of the manipulator behind the scenes is far above Level 5!"

Everyone was horrified.

It’s like two players agree to compete with characters of the same level, but one of them asks a professional player to play for him.

Due to the limit of hand speed, only 80% of the character's maximum strength can be exerted here, while the output over there is directly MAX.