The Azure Longsword

Chapter 93: Schizophrenia


"Immortal Phantom Sword?" Ask asked in surprise on Hearthfire Island, "You said the dead Alexander taught you this?"

Paige nodded.

"From your description, the plot of this dungeon is quite interesting." Ask said, stroking his chin. "To sum up, it is actually divided into two parallel lines."

"In the ocean of subconsciousness is the plot line. Your goal is to help Alexander untie his knot and make him willing to teach you the phantom sword."

"The trap here is that most people will subconsciously agree with and try to please Alexander in order to get the phantom sword. However, the real way to break through is to directly point out his mistakes."

"Outside the subconscious ocean is the battle line. You must prevent the corpse of Alexander, who is controlled by the undead demigod, from touching you."

"Otherwise, if you haven't finished the attack on your side and the battle outside has been wiped out, the zombies will be able to use you and the mind to locate Alexander's 'superego'."

"Once Alexander's superego is forcibly merged with his ego, naturally no one will be able to teach you the phantom sword, and the mission will fail." Ask concluded, "Well, this dual-line mission is quite interesting, and the difficulty is in line with the level of extraordinary swordsmanship."

Peggy seemed to understand what he said, and was stunned for a long while before she said:

"Even though it was in my mind, I tried to use it, but I found that I couldn't use it at all."

"Of course." Ask said, "The essence of extraordinary swordsmanship is difficult to describe in words. According to what you said, the other party should have given you a seed of thought, which parasitizes in the superego of your mental body. This is the fastest way to avoid language distortion and allow you to learn extraordinary swordsmanship."

"Even if you do nothing, one day you will fully understand it, it's just a matter of time. Of course, if you study hard, you will understand it faster."

"Then I can describe it to you, can you try to help me understand it?" Peggy asked hopefully.

"Sure." Ask said.

Although describing it in words may be distorted, it is better than knowing nothing.

Then Peggy drew her dagger, stood in the open space and said:

"The essence of the phantom sword lies in the replication of the mental body."

"Do you remember the nightmare we encountered when we conquered Hearthfire Island?"

"According to Alexander's memory, the Phantom Sword was invented by him after he conquered the Dream School of Sirius and studied the ability of 'Dream Doll'."

“First, meditate on yourself in your mind.”

"Then, pull out the 'self' that you are meditating in from the ocean of your subconscious mind."

“The key lies in how to open up the ocean of subconsciousness.”

"Alexander's phantom sword uses arcane power to calculate spatial dimensions; Hannibal's immortal phantom sword uses the power of the undead to locate any dead superego in the ocean of subconsciousness, and then reversely search for the location of his own mental body."

“But I don’t know how to open up the ocean of my subconscious mind, especially how to locate it in my own thinking space.”

"Hmm..." Ask pondered.

In the previous life game.