The Azure Longsword

Chapter 95: Snake disease


Ask was completely convinced.

Medea's secondary personality is absolutely insane.

Indeed, the new attribute of being contaminated by the will of Purgatory can bring great ability bonus to Medea.

Normally it is Lv.3 (Fire I+Mind I+Desire I), and after the seal is released it is Lv.7 (Fire V+Mind I+Desire I). With the bonus of the ability to absorb pain, it can achieve a maximum increase of 300% in damage (estimated based on her description).

However, this can only be achieved by torturing the enemy and causing a lot of pain.

Therefore, Miss Zeke took the initiative to ask Ask for a fight, hoping that when the team encounters an enemy in the future, she would be allowed to use Medea's body to join the battle.

Just like the Alexander zombie, using high temperature flames to ruthlessly kill the enemy.

Of course, she would absorb a little bit of the pain as a reward for helping.

Considering the team's morale and stability, Ask naturally rejected this request.

If other people saw the massacre, at least Eleanor, the knight of justice, would be furious.

Since she couldn't torture the enemy, the psychopath came up with another plan.

Torturing herself.

Before the battle, let Ask give her a good beating and verbally abuse her.

As long as she is full, Miss Snake can unleash 300% of her fire power.

This... Although no one should have any objection, Ask couldn't get over it in his heart.

After all, he didn't want to awaken any weird hobbies.

Thus, the two of them came to a stalemate. In the words of the psychopathic lady, killing itself creates pain, and pursuing killing with the least possible pain is like taking off your pants to fart (original words).

Ask said that we are a mercenary group, not a bandit group, so we cannot do certain abnormal things.

Whether it is torturing the enemy or abusing teammates, it is all within the scope of abnormality.

The psychopathic lady said, "Okay, since you don't want to treat me roughly, a relatively gentle approach will also be fine."

For example, holding hands, kissing, etc., as long as it makes the psychopathic lady have a seizure, it will be enough.

The negative emotions and pain of hating men will become her source of strength... and spiritual nourishment.

Ask naturally refused again, after all, he had not become a fan of barbecue.

The psychopathic lady sighed and said, "Well, let's do this."

I can hurt myself, right? Bring a few daggers, stab myself before the battle, and then burn the enemy to ashes.

Ask is stunned. You are so cruel. Does your main personality know

After all, you are using her body!

Can't you just be a normal S or M? For example, read similar novels, watch short films, etc., and "normally" gain pain energy through substitution and YY

The psychopathic lady said that she has been watching porn movies for more than 20 years (God knows who she is posing for), and she has no interest in art, so she hopes to have a chance to experience it herself.

Only then did Ask realize that this secondary personality was simply a psychopath.

It seems that the only way to do this is by elimination:

It is definitely not okay to slaughter the enemy, as it will irritate your teammates.

It is not okay to torture yourself, because the body belongs to Medea's main personality and you cannot cause any harm to her.