The Azure Longsword

Chapter 97: Contest


Before everyone could move away, a heavily armored warrior walked over here.

This guy was wearing heavy armor with ringlets, a broadsword at his waist, and a sleeveless linen shirt under the armor, revealing his strong and powerful arms.

"You." The warrior stared at Ask and said, "You are very strong."

"I know." Ask was a little surprised.

Is this a hidden combat capability check

"You should join us," the warrior said.

"If I join you, I can enter the Olympic City, right?" Ask asked for confirmation.

"Of course." The Spartan warrior said, "As a member of the Spartan envoys, you have the right to enter the city with us."

"In fact, I am currently the leader of a mercenary group." Ask pointed at the girls behind him, "Can you arrange for my people to go into the city together?"

The Spartan warrior's cold gaze swept behind him, lingering on each of the girls for a moment before returning to Ask.

"Why are they all women?" the Spartan asked.

Ask: …

"This is an accident." Ask said helplessly, "We recruit people based on their potential, not gender."

"What potential do women have?" the Spartan warrior continued to ask.

"Hey!" Sidlifa shouted in dissatisfaction, "That's too much! Be careful or I'll chop you down!"

"A chick with eagle feathers is still a chick," said the Spartan warrior.

More Spartans came over and looked at the girls with strange eyes.

"Women should stay at home," said a Spartan.


“Prepare the food.”

"Serve your man."

“To bear and raise children.”

These Spartans spoke expressionlessly, as if they were speaking in a chain.

"We are not powerless women," Eleanor retorted, "If you have any doubts about this, you can come out and have a discussion."

"We don't spar with women," the Spartan said.

Uh. Eleanor held her forehead helplessly, and then she heard Sheila say:

"it's useless."

"These Spartans are creatures whose sense of honor is greater than heaven."

"It's more difficult for you to make them compete with the women they look down upon than to kill them."

Ask also sighed. He had experienced the stubbornness of these Spartans in the game of his previous life.

However, I remember that there seemed to be a female player who found a corresponding solution

He waved his hand, called Medea over, and whispered a few words into her ear.

"Okay." Medea grinned, "I'm the best at dealing with these big, stupid guys."

She went to find Eleanor again and communicated with her quietly.

"Isn't this bad?" Eleanor asked awkwardly.

"What does it matter?" Medea said disapprovingly, "Or do you have a better idea?"

Then Eleanor also sighed, stepped forward and said:

"I want to challenge you."

The challenged Spartan warrior looked at her as if she were mentally retarded, showing an expression of complete disdain for responding.

"Or, since you were defeated by the Amazons last time, you no longer dare to respond to even a woman's challenge?" Eleanor asked seriously.