The Azure Longsword

Chapter 98: Two-wheeled showdown


The Spartan warrior Turunus holds a rod across his chest with both hands.

Then a straight stab.

The thrust was so fast and fierce that it almost exceeded the limit of what the naked eye could see.

Eleanor raised her shield to block the attack, but the stick and shield collided and the shock made her left hand numb.

A certain word popped into her mind.


"There are two ways to create stiffness." Ask said this in his memory of the daily training on Hearthfire Island. "One is attack and parry, and the other is attack and block. The stiff state is the best time to counterattack."

"But, according to what you said, when the enemy's weapon hits my shield, since the force is mutual, both of our arms should become stiff. How can we fight back then?"

"Stupid!" Ask hit her head with the hilt of his sword. "He holds the weapon with his right hand, and you hold the shield with your left hand. If you use your left hand to stiffen his right hand, can't you take the opportunity to use your weapon to attack with your right hand?"

Seize the opportunity to defend and counterattack.

Eleanor thrust out her right hand, and the baton stabbed straight into Tuluens' chest.

With his arms stiff, he was unable to block and could only take it!

"If you judge that the opponent can only take it by force, then you have to consider how to turn the opening move into a combo." Ask's voice seemed to echo in his ears.

"Normal attacks will cause stiffness, but stiffness is different from paralysis and does not directly affect the arm."

"So the enemy can still make a defensive move, and if they successfully parry or block, then your first-move advantage will be wasted."

"Don't think about output, think more about using control skills. Of course, the enemy will also expect this."

"So you have to change, deceive your opponent, and be flexible in your thinking!"

Turulunsi's pupils suddenly shrank as he stared at the opponent's counterattack with the stick.

The timing was perfect. His arms were still paralyzed by the impact of the blocking force, and he was unable to raise the stick to block the attack.

So should I dodge or take it head-on

If you dodge, the opponent will definitely take advantage of the situation to chase you.

How could the fight end quickly? And to the onlookers, it looked like I was being beaten by her!

You can't dodge! As a woman, the other party must have limited strength.

I can withstand multiple hits from her, but as long as I hit her once, the battle is over!

Tuluens did not dodge or evade, but just took half a step back, ready to take the attack.

And fight back.

The opponent's stick had already reached his chest, and his arms had recovered from the paralysis.

It was too late to dodge, so he swept the stick with both arms, aiming at the opponent's white neck.

As long as he hits the target, with his strength, he will definitely make the opponent fall into coma...


The stick stabbed him just below the chest and suddenly seemed to turn into a spear.

Eleanor twisted her wrist slightly and raised her spear.

Dragon Spear!

Severe pain spread from the abdomen to the whole body, and Tuluens was directly lifted up by the force of the stick.

This little pain was not fatal to him, but the dangerous thing was that he was thrown into the air with his feet off the ground.

When you are off the ground, you cannot exert the strength of your waist and abdomen, so the force of your counterattack will be greatly reduced!

Wait a moment!