The Azure Longsword

Chapter 99: Extreme play


The Spartans fell silent.

To be fair, Bitions did not make any mistakes. It can only be said that the opponent was indeed a well-matched opponent.

This northern woman was undoubtedly an explosive power warrior, and the defensive tactics chosen by Bitions happened to be restrained by the opponent.

You should attack the opponent in the early stages, try to seize the rhythm of the battle, and at the same time look for opportunities to deliver a fatal blow.

No. The bald man suddenly thought of something else, which was the last blow from the hilt of the sword by Bitions.

Based on the speed of his swing, he should be able to hit the target at the same time as the opponent's wooden sword.

However, in the end, Bitions's attack missed and the opponent's wooden sword hit his abdomen first.

Could it be...

The bald man finally remembered.

When the northern woman rushed forward and swung her sword, she clearly lowered her body before striking down the hilt of the sword.

She was aiming at the chest? But if she did that, she and Bithion would die together (if it was a real sword).

So she chose to chop at the lower abdomen while lowering her body height, so as to hit the opponent first

If this woman could still delicately control the details during such a wild attack...

Then even if you fight her from the beginning, you may not be able to gain any advantage!

"How is it?" The victorious Sidlifa asked Ask triumphantly.

"That was a good fight," Ask said. "But what the hell was that knife throw at the end?"

"Ah? That's to attract him to come up, and then I'll take advantage of the situation to swing!" Sidlifa defended.

"If you want to lure him to move up, why don't you use your left hand to move downward with the Lion's Fang, forcing him to attack and parry, while using your right hand to perform the Tiger Cut?" Ask asked.

"He easily deflected your throwing knife, and he still had enough strength to smash down with the hilt of his sword when facing your right knife. If it was a lion's tooth, the opponent's wooden sword would have to maintain an upward block, so it would not be able to defend against your tiger cut with your other hand, right?"

"Uh..." Sidlifa showed a somewhat depressed expression, "I didn't think so much at the time."

"Go back and think about it carefully." Ask said, "The situation on the battlefield changes rapidly, and there is really no time for you to think. However, each of your choices must be the best choice under the circumstances at the time, and this can be optimized through battle review."

"If you don't know how to review, ask Eleanor."

"Oh." Sidlifa said dejectedly.

What are they doing? The bald man looked at Ask instructing Sidlifa with a suspicious look.

These guys don’t seem to be simple characters.

"Let me take the next game." The bald man walked out.

"Rudasius? Are you coming in person?" A Spartan handed him a wooden heavy sword.

"Yes." Rudasius, the captain of the Spartan envoys, nodded.

"Peggy, how's your swordplay going?" Ask asked.

"Not yet." Peggy shook her head, "But now I can steal other people's thoughts and predict their actions in advance."