The Beautiful Land

Chapter 14: I ran into trouble before classes even started


After a while, a steward brought over seven or eight little maids aged thirteen or fourteen and asked Xi Fuwei to choose the person to serve.

Because she didn't know anything about them and was looking for eyeliners, Xi Fuwei randomly selected someone who looked pretty and neatly dressed.

I heard from the steward that the maid's name was "Lvsha", so she didn't bother to change her name, so she just called her that.

After exchanging greetings with the steward and the others, Xi Fuwei said a few words to Lusha, asked her to give Fu Chuoxian a gift, and then took the new maid back to her room to rest.

She and Fu Chuoxian currently live upstairs, with the middle corridor as the dividing line. There are two suites on the east and west. Fu Chuoxian has already occupied the east side, so she entered the west side.

Although the Zou Mansion is still suspected of monitoring and guarding against the female gentleman, the treatment is indeed not bad. The furnishings upstairs are not much worse than Xi Fuwei's boudoir when she was in the Xi family. There is a gilt Suan Ni in the inner room. There was a golden furnace, and a rosewood box containing incense was placed next to it. The box contained agarwood.

Although it is only a small piece, this spice has always been precious, and it is a testament to your thoughtfulness that it appears here.

Xi Fuwei didn't like burning incense, so she secretly admired it when she saw this, thinking that we are everyone, and the Xi family lived a prosperous life, but they definitely did not have such luxury, so they gave agarwood incense to the newly hired teachers.

She looked around for a while, then smiled and said to Lusha: "I just came here, and I don't know the rules of Zou Mansion very well. If I have done something wrong, please remind me."

Lusha said respectfully: "My wife has sent a slave to serve you. From now on, you will be my master. I will serve you wholeheartedly."

Xi Fuwei praised her a few words and took a short silver hairpin from her sleeve as a greeting gift. Lusha declined it before accepting it. She took the opportunity to tell her some things about the Zou Mansion, which were actually similar to what Fu Chuoxian told her. , it’s just that there are some people in the Zou family, some relatives in the close bloodline, and so on.

Regarding Mrs. Shang's origin, she was more detailed than Fu Chuoxian, saying: "Madam's ancestors have an old relationship with the ancestors of the Zou Mansion, so that's why she was betrothed to her."

But as for why there was an old law and what Mrs. Shang's natal family did specifically... she didn't talk about it.

Xi Fuwei was not uncurious, but as soon as she settled down, it was not good to inquire about the details of the host's family, so she did not ask further questions, but asked Zou Qiongruo and others in detail about their preferences and temperaments.

These were the students she was about to teach. She was serious and responsible when asking about the situation. Even if the Zou family knew about it, they would not think much about it.

However, what Lu Sha said was exactly the same as what Fu Chuoxian said, that is, under the guidance of Mrs. Shang, Zou Qiongruo and others, although young, were very sensible, without any arrogance or willfulness, and were extremely well-behaved.

Lusha probably thought that Xi Fuwei was afraid that because of her age gap with the students, she would not be able to control these rich ladies, so she comforted her: "The ladies are all very studious, and I have long wanted a gentleman to give me guidance."

Xi Fuwei smiled and prevaricated a few words. At this time, dusk fell and she heard the sound of someone walking briskly up the stairs. Then someone knocked on their door and asked in a clear voice: "Mr. Shen? Shen?" Sir? Dinner is about to be served. Mr. Shen, would you like to come down to the flower hall to use it, or will you ask someone to bring it to you? "

"I'll go down right now." Xi Fuwei replied quickly and stood up, "Let's go down!"

When they arrived at the flower hall below, Fu Chuoxian was already waiting here. She held her chin with one hand, tilted her head and smiled at Xi Fuwei: "Have you packed up yet? Do you want help?"

Xi Fuwei also laughed: "Sister Lao is thinking about it, it's almost done... After all, I don't have anything to grow, and I don't have much to put away."

"With our background, it's a blessing from God that we can be a female teacher here peacefully!" Fu Chuoxian nodded clearly and said, "But now we have a place to stay and a husband. It will always get better and better in the future.”

Xi Fuwei nodded in agreement.

They talked for a while, and Fu Chuoxian raised his chin towards the person who had just come up to call for dinner and said, "This is the red sesame that is serving me."

Hearing this, Xi Fuwei smiled and nodded at Hongzhi: "I just bothered you."

"I don't dare. It was Mr. Fu who asked the slave to go up and report." Hongzhi said hurriedly, "Both gentlemen are very talented and learned. It is my blessing that I can serve you."

"Zou Mansion is everyone after all, and it's common for a servant to be so good at talking." Hearing this, Xi Fuwei exchanged glances with Fu Chuoxian. Although they didn't say it out loud, they had the same meaning in their eyes.

After dinner, the two said a few words and then dispersed.

When leaving, Xi Fuwei asked about the teaching time, and Fu Chuoxian said: "I came early and have already started to teach a few ladies the techniques. Sister Shen, you just came here. Someone will inform you tomorrow."

He also told her that the location of the lecture was in a courtyard not far from Fenzhi Building. "That place is a bungalow, but it is very big. There are half an acre of gardens in front and back, and there is also a fish pond. There should be lotus flowers in the pond." Yes, but it has withered this season. If it is summer, it must be beautiful."

She sounded a little nostalgic, "When my father was still alive, there was a pond like this at home. Unfortunately, the family fell into decline, and even the little lotus root in the pond was dug out to pay off debts."

Hearing this, Xi Fuwei felt a little stirred in her heart. She remembered that when Xi Zongwang and Xi Fucui were both here, although her biological mother died early, so early that she no longer had the concept of "mother" in these years, but a family of four, It was also a happy life... In the garden at that time, there were lotus flowers everywhere and koi carps gathering in the sky.

He bit the tip of his tongue, forced himself to calm down, comforted Fu Chuoxian a few words, said something like "it will definitely be better in the future", and then got up and went back to the room.

There was nothing to say that night. The next morning, a steward from the Zou Mansion came over. He first asked Xi Fuwei politely if he was used to living there and if he was satisfied with Lusha. After getting a positive answer, he talked about teaching. matter.

Finally, the two parties discussed and decided to open the museum on the same day.

Xi Fuwei inquired about the level of Zou Qiongruo and others, and the manager smiled and said: "My family has never hired a gentleman for the ladies before, so the madam always gave me some free time, so even if the ladies know some words, they still remember the zeroes." It’s broken, please sir, please take more trouble!”

The implication is that although Zou Qiongruo and the others are girls and do not need to take the imperial examination, Mrs. Shang also hopes that they can learn something seriously, but don't think that teaching them how to read and digit is enough.

"Madam, you don't think I'm humble, how dare you not try your best?" Xi Fuwei nodded, sent the manager away, and started preparing lessons... All the books she used to study with Xi Fucui were left at Xi's house, and she didn't take any of them with her. came out, but the Zou Mansion was well prepared. There was a small study room next to the dining hall downstairs. Although the place was not big, it had all the basic books, and the Four Treasures of the Study Room were also prepared for use.

Xi Fuwei recalled the situation when she was a child, and went down to get a few books. She compared them with Xi Fucui's lectures and made some revised notes.

Speaking of which, she has no experience teaching people, and she doesn't know if she will mislead others... However, the current situation does not allow for retreat, so she can only bite the bullet.

At noon, Fu Chuoxian came back holding the lyre.

When Xi Fuwei heard the noise upstairs, she put away her writing and went down to say hello.

"Sister Shen!" Fu Chuoxian smiled when he saw her, "Have you set a time to enter the museum?"

"It's been decided. I'll be there tomorrow. Please take care of me, sister." Xi Fuwei walked over and wanted to help her pick up the piano, but Fu Chuoxian shook his head and put the piano on a special piano table next to him. Then he explained, "My father specially asked someone to bring it to me from Jiangnan when he was still alive. I don't like others to touch it."

Xi Fuwei apologized quickly.

Fu Chuoxian smiled and said, "As long as you don't think it's difficult for me to get along with you because of your kindness."

The two of them were polite, and Xi Fuwei noticed that there seemed to be some trouble between her eyebrows, so he asked with concern.

Fu Chuoxian hesitated for a moment and then said: "It's nothing... It's just that several ladies have been absent from school these past two days. I was thinking, should I tell the madam? But if I say anything, according to the madam's temper, I will most likely punish the young lady. It’s ours, but this makes me hesitate again.”

Xi Fuwei was very surprised when she heard this and said, "Sister, didn't you say that all the ladies have very good temperaments?"

"Of course the tempers of these ladies are very good." Fu Chuoxian said angrily, "But after all, they are young and have the temperament of a child... somewhat playful. Originally, under the upbringing of Mrs. Shang, they can be considered He is well-behaved and obedient, and never talks back. Isn't this Mr. Zou? He asked the old lady to pamper and protect him, and he was so idle that he worked three days to fish and two days to dry the nets, so that's all! As a result, these two I don’t know what I’m thinking, but I’ve been visiting several ladies frequently!”

"If he's just listening to the class, that's okay!"

"But after listening to it for a while, he lost interest. Now he was muttering to one person, and now he was making noises to that person... This caused the ladies to lose their thoughts. Everyone in Cao Ying was worried about Han! I think this is the case. I couldn’t condone it, so I said a few words in a roundabout way, guess what?”

Xi Fuwei asked: "Could he be angry?"

Just remembering the day when I accepted Mrs. Shang's assessment, Zou Yiang came out of the blue and kept picking on me... This situation can't be said to be how dandy and arrogant he is, and he doesn't seem to be easy to get along with.

He disturbed Fu Chuoxian's lecture, but Fu Chuoxian was not allowed to remind him that he might not be able to do such a thing.

"That's not true." Fu Chuoxian shook his head, "When I agreed to come into the mansion to be a teacher, because I was worried about the temper of these young ladies and gentlemen, I made an agreement with Madam Shang: If the disciples refuse to be taught, this will mislead the disciples. I am not responsible for reputation... Mrs. Shang personally promised at that time that if Mr. Zou and Miss Zou are relying on their family status and do not respect us gentlemen, just tell her or the people around her, and she will personally tell her children what the rules are!"

Sighing, "That young master had a very good attitude. He accompanied Li and left at that time. I was relieved when I saw this! Who knew that he would turn around and instigate Miss Zou and the others to skip class!"

Xi Fuwei said in surprise: "This Mr. Zou... I don't think he is hostile to the Miss Zou. How could he do such a thing?"

Although there was a popular saying at this time that it was virtue for a woman to have no talent, there was no female family member of a wealthy family who was illiterate. After all, if you couldn’t read a single Chinese character, how could you type in the account books if you couldn’t read other things? Housekeeping

Then he said, "Sister, can't you report this to Madam?"

"Who knows about him?" Fu Chuoxian smiled bitterly and said, "If you report it to Madam, she will definitely take care of it immediately! The question is, isn't there an old lady in this mansion? The one who usually looks kind and amiable , but once it comes to Mr. Zou, who is such a sweetheart, he can be unreasonable anytime and anywhere! If I tell her, I will most likely offend her!"

Xi Fuwei also became distressed when she heard this. After all, she would be giving lectures in the library from tomorrow. If all the students were instigated by Zou Yiang and skipped class... then she would be the only one facing the empty classroom. What

"Did Mr. Zou do this just these two days?" She thought for a while and then said in deep thought, "Is there any reason? For example, a misunderstanding or something... My sister tried to have a heart-to-heart talk with him and ask him about the inside story. No?"

Fu Chuoxian looked at her and smiled slightly: "I do think so! It's just... Although I have no other ideas, I can't help it. I'm only a few years older than Mr. Zou, so I came over rashly. No matter how clear my conscience is, others, And Mr. Zou himself may not think so?"

Xi Fuwei understood what she meant and said: "We all come to Zou Mansion to be teachers. The students are no longer in class. How can we continue to be teachers? If sister doesn't mind, can we go together at some time?"

"You will be entering the museum tomorrow." Fu Chuoxian nodded, "Why don't you go later?"

Then he said, "That young man doesn't seem to be very good at talking. We have to think about how to speak after meeting him."