The Beautiful Man of The Third Princess

Chapter 49: [49] Comfort


"Although I am not your good sister of many years, but you can trust me, I will not hurt you, in my heart you have become my friends, if there is anything I will help together, I hope you Don't hold back the sad and uncomfortable in your heart. If you can, tell me, okay?" Mu Xiangqing said gently to Park Huizhen.

"Is Yi Long unable to come back..." Park Huizhen lowered her head.

"I can answer you firmly and positively'No'." Mu Xiangqing looked at Park Huizhen firmly.

"You really look like Yi Long like this..." Park Huizhen shed bitter tears.

"You need Yilong, and you are also where Yilong's motivation lies. I sincerely hope you don't be sad, don't despair, after all, she doesn't want you to be like this, right?" Mu Xiangqing gently wiped away Park Hye Jin's tears, smiled and said.

"Hey, don't be like coaxing a child! I'm not a child!" Park Hye Jin stubbornly turned her head and wiped away tears.

"Haha, yes, we Huizhen are not children, so don't cry!" Park Hailie put his arm around Park Huizhen, and put his hand on her head.

"Thank you anyway, Sister Xiangqing." Park Huizhen smiled.

"I really hope that I can be your intimate sister." Mu Xiangqing touched Pu Huizhen's head lightly.

A black shadow flashed outside the window, and the girl chuckled, her flexible and light figure disappeared in the dark, and the smell of her perfume still existed in the breeze.