The Beautiful Man of The Third Princess

Chapter 85: Author's words


This is the end of "The Beautiful Man of Three Princesses". Thank you readers for reading and recommending. Thank you everyone!

Next, Nana wanted to open a new novel called "Our Youth Show". The name was changed to "Our Youth Stage" because English was not allowed to fill in the title of the book.

"Our Youth Stage" can be said to be the second novel of "The Beautiful Men of Three Princesses". Here are the stories of the children of Jiang Yilong and Murongxi, Park Hyejin and An Yichen, Yin Zhenna and Han Yuxuan, He Keke and Park Haiyeol, Mu Xiangqing and Ouyang Hao.

Here I sincerely thank you all for supporting my novel, and I hope you can continue to pay attention to my new original novel "Our Youth Stage". and also. . and also. . Please continue to pay attention to my new book "At that moment, youth is over"

Thank you all~~~

Recently, I tried an anime fan novel "Surveillance Chara's Intergenerational Love", a story of a "student tyrant" who loves anime and unknowingly travels across the world, thus starting a love affair across the world. Please pay more attention to my novel and give your valuable opinions.

thank you all!

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