The Beauty’s Blade

Chapter 10


There are wines, swords, poems and spring breeze smiles in the building of Chunfeng Yixiao.

When mentioning Dongfeng Yixiaolou, it is necessary to mention Dongfengxiao.

In this building, the most fragrant wine is called Chunfengxiao, the best dish is called Chunfengxiao, and the most beautiful person is also called Chunfengxiao.

It's just Chunfeng laughing, she never smiles.

In the Chunfeng Yixiao Building, if you buy a smile with a lot of money, you can only buy a jar of wine called "Chunfengxiao".

Everyone who went to the building wanted to make Chunfeng laugh and show off, but most of them didn't even have the chance to see her.

There are scholars who have read poems and books, knights with swords and rich businessmen, but they are all born with a romantic appearance, and if you point at one at random, it may be more beautiful than the girl in the spring breeze smile building , but also pretty.

There are very few women visiting Chunfeng Yixiao Building, but Fu Wanqing and Yu Shengyan are two of them.

Fragrant and mellow wine cannot be enjoyed by poor people for a lifetime. Instead of flowing into people's mouths, it was poured into the incense burner. The smell of wine and agarwood are mixed together, brewing into a different kind of breath.

Yu Shengyan sat at the table, like a cold statue.

Originally there were women in this room as companions, but they were bewildered by Fu Wanqing's seductive smile, and frostbitten by Yu Shengyan's stern breath. The women in the building have all experienced troubles, and with just one glance, they know that these two astonishingly beautiful "men" cannot be approached by anyone. So they withdrew, leaving a small world for them in this exquisite wing room.

Fu Wanqing went around to Yu Shengyan and sat in her arms. This seemed to be a matter of course, as if Yu Shengyan's embrace was only for her. Even if she was wearing men's clothes, it couldn't conceal the natural coquettishness in Fu Wanqing's eyes. With her fingertips curling a strand of black hair hanging from Yu Shengyan's temples, Fu Wanqing asked with a smile, "A person who never smiles suddenly shows off his face, what will happen then?"

Yu Shengyan knew in her heart that what Fu Wanqing was talking about was not Chunfengxiao, but herself.

There was no answer, Yu Shengyan just played a faint smile on his lips.

Fleeting, like a flash in the pan.

Fu Wanqing was insane, she felt that she was crazy. She thought she was seductive enough, but Yu Shengyan was calm and composed in front of her; she thought she was calm and self-possessed enough, but in Yu Shengyan's slight smile, she lost her way. Fu Wanqing smiled foolishly, she pressed her body close to Yu Shengyan, and breathed lightly next to Yu Shengyan's small and delicate earlobe. She said, "If you were a man, I'd kill you."

In fact, Fu Wanqing hadn't finished talking yet.

Yu Shengyan is a woman, a woman who can rival herself.

She, Fu Wanqing, could kill her only after defeating Yu Shengyan.

Only a woman does not need a woman to accompany her when she visits a brothel.

Why would a woman visit brothels? It is easy to arouse the curiosity of others.

Chunfengxiao is just a very curious person.

The room was not quiet for a long time. Amidst the squeaks, a woman in white with a pipa pushed the door and entered.

Fu Wanqing was still nestled in Yu Shengyan's arms, and her eyes were still so seductive.

In the eyes of others, it was two disheveled men embracing each other.

In the eyes of Chunfeng Xiao, there is a pair of lingering women.

That's right, the cold-faced woman in white who walked into the room was Chunfengxiao.

Fu Wanqing looked at Chunfengxiao from the corner of her eye. This woman's indifference was a kind of deliberate alienation from the world, or a kind of showing off. His expression is cold, but his heart is hot. Chunfengxiao's temperament is very good, but it is far inferior to Yushengyan. Perhaps in Fu Wanqing's eyes, there is no beauty comparable to Yu Shengyan. She sighed shallowly in her heart, and the peripheral vision that was on Chunfengxiao's body was also withdrawn.

Chunfeng smiled at the building, Chunfeng smiled, and it was not as interesting as in the legend.

Just as Fu Wanqing looked away, Chunfengxiao plucked the pipa, and she showed off her face.

Fu Wanqing didn't see it, but Yu Shengyan did.

Turn the string and dial the shaft three or two times, and there is love before the tune is formed.

It seems to be rushing rain jumping waves, and it is also like jade falling on a silver plate.

The smile on the corner of Yusheng's mouth surfaced again, this time smiling at the spring breeze. But Fu Wanqing was upset, she felt that Yu Shengyan could only smile at herself, so she sat up straight, blocking Yu Shengyan's sight. The foreheads of the two touched each other lightly, their breaths were intertwined, and they saw the red lips when they lowered their eyes. Her heart seemed to be grasped by a hand, and she was as intoxicated as if she had drunk wine. Fu Wanqing suddenly wanted to kiss her.

With the sound of the pipa, in front of the smiling face of the spring breeze.

Like a traveler who has been walking in the desert for a long time, longing for the sweet spring in the oasis.

Yu Shengyan is a blank sheet of paper, so she, Fu Wanqing, has to paint her own color on this blank sheet of paper.

Fu Wanqing was obsessed, she felt that she had fallen into a place where she could never recover; but if she wanted to fall into the endless abyss, how could she not walk with Yu Shengyan? As if the clouds were steaming, the eyes glowing with water were full of ambiguity and charm after being moved, not as cold as ice.

The sound of the pipa stopped suddenly, and the expression on Chunfeng's smiling face froze.

And Fu Wanqing laughed more and more happily, she was like a voluptuous snake, wishing she could wrap Yu Shengyan tightly.

Chunfengxiao loves men, and she also loves women, no, it should be said that she loves all beautiful appearances.

Chunfengxiao is very confident in her charm technique, she believes that no one can not indulge in it.

Whether it is a man or a woman, as long as she is willing to go fishing, there is no one who will not be hooked.

What about martial arts masters? In the end, he was not addicted to the gentle countryside.

"Chunfeng Xiao, why don't you always be a person who doesn't smile? You shouldn't laugh." Fu Wanqing's voice sounded with a smile. Smiling in the spring breeze, "You can whet the appetites of those men outside, but you can't whet my appetite. People who are addicted to the sound of your pipa are nothing more than the kind of people who are obsessed with you from the very beginning. Don't you Don't you understand, this is not called charm."

Chunfengxiao's face is very cold, she has never been criticized by anyone, and there is no one who doesn't love her when she comes to Chunfengyixiao Building. She put herself in the same position as Fu Wanqing, the beauty in Jianghu. More than one person talked about her beauty beside her pillow, saying that she was far better than Fu Wanqing from Yangzhou Prefecture, so she was very confident.

Fu Wanqing smiled charmingly at the spring breeze, as if she was muttering to herself, and she said again: "I should show you what is the art of charm."

Feeling dizzy for a moment, as if his soul had traveled around the Nine Heavens, Chun Fengxiao shook his head vigorously, and asked, "Who are you?"

Fu Wanqing's hand lightly brushed the corner of her lips, and she spit out two words: "Guess."

Who else can have such a peerless elegance? Chunfengxiao's expression began to change, and a trace of fear flashed across her eyes, which also contained grievances due to unwillingness. It would hurt any man to see her like this. But Fu Wanqing is not a man, and she is not an ordinary person either.

"Fu Wanqing." The woman who was supposed to stay in Yangzhou Mansion suddenly came to Lin'an Mansion.

Chunfengxiao raised her head and laughed, her face was distorted by jealousy, she didn't want this life anymore, she gave it all up. Thinking of some rumors in the arena, she slowly said: "You don't let me laugh, I want to laugh. Are you beautiful, Fu Wanqing? But you are not as good as the woman beside you. You are with her Together, it’s just a foil!”

With Fu Wanqing's pride, she does not allow herself to be compared by anyone. Those who said such things in front of her before were dead, but now, there was no murderous intent in her smile, and she showed no sign of anger. She just glanced at Chunfeng smiled lightly and replied: "What does it have to do with me if you want to laugh? But Lu Qi, he should be very sorry that he didn't see your smile of Chunfengxiao."

When he heard the word Lu Qi, Chunfeng Xiao's face turned pale.

Lu Qi came to Chunfeng Yixiao Building, and suddenly everyone in the Jianghu knew about it. Those who came to Chunfeng Yixiaolou were not only looking for fun, but also those who asked about the whereabouts of Yuguanyin and the secret of the treasure map. It's ridiculous, Jade Guanyin has been sent away by Lu Qi, how can I know the news about the treasure map? A year ago, there was no sound, why is there a little movement now, and everyone in the world believes it

ridiculous! ridiculous! The most ridiculous people in this world are people from the rivers and lakes.

Chunfengxiao's expression is like a dead fish, and the dull voice doesn't seem to come from her mouth: "Are you also here to inquire about the 'Jade Guanyin' news?" Chunfengxiao can deal with many knights in the rivers and lakes, But she knew she couldn't handle Fu Wanqing. If her intention of coming here is really like this, then Chunfeng Yixiao Building is over.

Those young and warm-hearted chivalrous men who maintained the Chunfeng Yixiao Building would not be willing to risk offending Chivalry Villa to help her. What's more, because of Lu Qi's skillful hand, the hearts of many knights have begun to undergo subtle changes.

Fu Wanqing pursed her lips and smiled, her expression was indescribably lazy, she said: "'Jade Guanyin' is a gift from Lu Qi, so I am naturally very concerned about it. But, I came to Chunfengyixiaolou to help you , I know that many people have asked you about the treasure map. I can tell you clearly that the treasure map is real, and the whereabouts of 'Jade Guanyin' is actually easy to guess. Ma San never misses At that time, when there were no dishonest people in the Weiyang Escort, why did a worthless 'Jade Guanyin' disappear?"

Chunfeng smiled and nodded, her mood changed a few times, she replied: "I understand."

What the escort sent on that trip was not 'Jade Guanyin' at all, but a treasure map.

People in Jianghu don't know, but Chivalrous Villa knows.

Chivalry Villa knew, which meant that the other four families in the Baidao Alliance probably knew it too.