The Beauty’s Blade

Chapter 22


Let alone a few disciples of Baishan Hall, even if Lou Kexin came in person, he would not be able to invite Yu Shengyan.

Fu Wanqing believed that Yu Shengyan would not leave her side, just like she believed that Guili would not be defeated. In the alley ahead, a few knight-errants fell to the ground, clutching their wounds and screaming in pain. The howling wind poured into the narrow alleyway, and Guili disappeared like a gust of wind before everyone's eyes.

When Fu Wanqing withdrew her eyes, she met Yu Shengyan's dull eyes. Fu Wanqing stared at her white and slender hand stretched out towards her in a daze, until a chill came from her fingertips, and she turned back from that bewildered state. She took Fu Wanqing's hand and curled the corners of her lips.

Passing by the three men in white shirts who looked like stone statues, Fu Wanqing's left hand shot out several sharp rays.

Walking out of the alley, there is a spacious and bright street in front of you. The autumn wind was rustling, and the sycamore trees lining the road were dragged down and fell into the ditch. Yu Shengyan didn't know where Fu Wanqing wanted to go, she just led this man aimlessly along with the surging crowd.

In the small wine shop on the street, there was a mellow smell of wine, Fu Wanqing glanced at the burning stove, and suddenly stopped in her tracks. "I want to drink," she said.

"Okay." Yu Shengyan nodded.

This is a small wine shop, except for a dozing shopkeeper and a boy who burns fire and delivers wine, there are no other helpers. There were very few people in the wine shop, scattered, no more than six or seven people. The tables and stools seemed to have not been wiped for a long time, and they were all splashed with oil and wine stains. There was a lot of shouting and noise on the street, and inside the wine shop, a big man in a short coat pressed the knife on the stool, panting heavily, and shouted for more wine.

The autumn wind is very cold, and the strong wine that enters the throat is very hot.

Fu Wanqing narrowed her eyes comfortably, and said slowly, "The three people in Baishan Hall can't go back."

Yu Shengyan nodded calmly, the wine in front of him was steaming.

"Among the four halls of the Bishui Sect, the disciples of the Baishan Hall are the most capable, while the Heishan Hall is the least. Lou Kexin sent people from the Baishan Hall, and it seems that he really wants you to return to the sect. I'm curious. Why didn’t the left envoy you teach disappear?”

"I don't know." Yu Shengyan shook his head in response. She really didn't know that, as the leader of the Clear Water Sect, she never cared about teaching matters. Whether the people under her command do good or evil, it has nothing to do with her. Indulgence or restraint of his subordinates, that is in the mind of Bishuijiao.

"Oh?" Fu Wanqing smiled, looked down at the wine bowl, and asked, "Isn't this wine good?" The face tainted by the smell of alcohol seemed like a gorgeous peach blossom. Her eyes were fixed on Yu Shengyan, her hand was caressing the edge of the wine bowl, her focused eyes, her gentle and slow movements were like a feather scratching Yu Shengyan's heart. She was lost in thought until the scalding wine burned her throat. With a sound of "bang," the wine bowl hit the table, and all the wine splashed on Yu Shengyan's white clothes.

"Your thoughts are not here." Fu Wanqing wiped the wine stains from Yu Shengyan's lips, and her eyes fell on the slightly wet white clothes. She sighed with regret, "I wanted to watch a play here, but the clothes are dirty, let's go back." She stood up and left a few copper coins on the table.

When you come, you are leisurely and comfortable, when you leave, you are eager and anxious.

Fu Wanqing held Yu Shengyan's hand, exercising lightness kung fu like a gust of wind.

The water vapor is dense, and the figure hidden behind the screen is graceful and enchanting.

The clothes slid down the shoulders, and the hand gently covered the scar that hadn't healed. The rustling sound of undressing, the splashing sound of splashing water. Yu Shengyan sat at the table with his back to the screen, and the scroll in his hand hadn't been turned for a long time. Perhaps it was the residual alcohol smell on the clothes that made her a little drunk, and her clear eyes suddenly became hazy.

"Yu Shengyan, come here." Fu Wanqing's voice was accompanied by a chuckle.

Yu Shengyan put down the scroll, she turned around and looked at the red dress hanging on the screen, she didn't move until the voice sounded again. The landscape screen was splashed wet by the water splashed from the wooden barrel, and her long black hair was lifted to her chest, revealing half of her round shoulder with a trace of scar. In the dense water vapor, Yu Shengyan stopped her pace, and she snorted softly: "Huh?"

"Come here." Fu Wanqing's voice changed, as if she was in pain.

"Is it a wound?" Yu Shengyan frowned, and as soon as he moved his footsteps, he had already reached the side of the wooden barrel, and he was greeted by a splash of hot water and a charming spring love. Water trickled down his face, Yu Shengyan couldn't move his footsteps, and couldn't move his gaze, his eyes just looked at Fu Wanqing quietly.

Fu Wanqing didn't seem to care about Yu Shengyan's gaze, her eyes were filled with a charming smile, she pushed her long hair behind her, stretched out her hand, and pulled Yu Shengyan, who was still dazed, into the bath in the barrel. The water splashed everywhere, and the already narrow tub was filled up in no time. The light clothes were soaked, and the skin was half covered. Yu Shengyan frowned, looking at Fu Wanqing's shoulder.

The drop of blood that fell into the tub swam like light smoke.

"Your wounds are open."

"Your clothes are soaked."

The two spoke almost simultaneously.

Fu Wanqing squinted, she didn't care about her wound at all, she just enjoyed the scenery in front of her in a good mood. It was an inexplicable impulse, it was something out of plan, but Fu Wanqing couldn't get annoyed, she even thought it was very good. She stretched out her left hand, slowly slid down from Yu Shengyan's neck, along the wet white clothes, and submerged into the water bit by bit.

Yu Shengyan grabbed Fu Wanqing's left hand, her face blushed slightly, and she scolded, "What are you doing?"

Shy and timid, Fu Wanqing suddenly thought of this word, but she is Yu Shengyan, how could this word fit

That angry stare was also extremely beautiful in Fu Wanqing's eyes. Yu Shengyan, I like you more and more. Fu Wanqing sighed softly in her heart. She met Yu Shengyan's eyes, and said with a charming smile: "The clothes are wet, why don't you take them off."

Yu Shengyan's body trembled slightly, and her eyes seemed to be smudged by thick ink. She hooked her lips and revealed a light smile. Fu Wanqing originally stared at Yu Shengyan maliciously, but at this moment she was taken away by her smile. Yu Shengyan stood up slowly, and the water droplets fell into the tub, creating ripples and circles. The bead flower was taken off, and Yu Shengyan bit her in her mouth, her fingers ran through the black, damp hair, and when she let go, it dangled down like a waterfall.

The clothes slid over the round and smooth right shoulder, half of the chest looming.

The red clothes and the white clothes overlapped on the screen, blown by a wisp of autumn wind blowing through the window gap.

The smoke from the censer floats and lingers along with the gauze curtain.

The water in the bathtub rose again with the entry of Yu Shengyan, and the soft waves caressed the trembling skin, Fu Wanqing shivered. "You..." Her heart was obviously full of thousands of words, but at this moment she couldn't even say a word. She lowered her head to stare at the rippling water waves, but when she moved her legs, she trembled suddenly when she touched Yu Shengyan.

In Fu Wanqing's life, there has never been the word "retreat", but at this moment, she suddenly wanted to escape. Others said that Fu Wanqing was charming and charming, but how could she compare to Yu Shengyan? When she smiled, she seemed to lose her mind. It was very crowded and hot, a kind of heat that came from the depths of the soul. Fu Wanqing wanted to stand up from the bathtub, but Yu Shengyan suddenly pressed her shoulders.

Yu Shengyan's eyes could not see the slightest luster, they were as calm as a pool of clear water, but even such eyes could make Fu Wanqing burn from head to toe. "I—" Fu Wanqing started, but was interrupted by Yu Shengyan.

"Don't move around, your shoulder is still injured."

Fu Wanqing was taken aback, and glanced over her shoulder.

Yes, there are still injuries. It seemed like several months had passed since that day, but in fact it was only three or two days. She, Fu Wanqing, is a human being, made of flesh and blood, even with the best medicine, the wound cannot heal instantly. "You want to—" She felt the tip of her tongue trembling, and the voice that came out was also trembling.

"Isn't that why you called me?" Yu Shengyan asked lightly, her hand had already slid along Fu Wanqing's shoulder to her chest. She held the towel that was placed beside the tub in her hand, and gently wiped the skin hidden in the water. Yu Shengyan's expression did not contain a trace of blasphemy, but Fu Wanqing still felt a little bit ashamed in her heart.

Fu Wanqing was silent. She called Yu Shengyan just to play tricks on her, but in the end she put herself in a predicament. Her skin was burning hot, as if she had drunk a few jars of spirits. Tears welled up in her eyes, she bit her lower lip tightly, not allowing the slightest exhortation to flow out of her mouth, her hands were pressed against the edge of the tub, and she couldn't help but clenched tightly.

"The wound is bursting, don't use your right hand too hard." Yu Shengyan's faint voice came, and her hand patted Fu Wanqing's buttocks lightly.

She loosened her right hand and tightened her toes suddenly. Fu Wanqing stared at Yu Shengyan in astonishment, her grievance and shame intertwined. With a bang, she rushed out of the tub, rolled up the clean clothes on the other side of the screen rack, and fled in a hurry.

Yu Shengyan lowered his brows and eyes, and a faint smile appeared on his lips.