The Beauty’s Blade

Chapter 31


Lou Kexin didn't expect Yu Shengyan to answer like this, she was stunned for a long time before she smiled and said: "Since you are the guests brought back by the leader of my sect, then come with me."

There is only one winding road on this island, and the surrounding woods are full of miasma. Once you enter, you will never be able to get out easily. The moss-covered stone path was guarded by two Clear Water Sect disciples every half a mile. They held their swords and remained motionless, as if they were dead.

The exquisite palace is like an imperial palace. On the plaque, the three big characters of "Clear Water Sect" were swayed willfully, and a breath of wildness was quite compelling. This main hall is the hall where the protectors of the Clear Water Sect discuss business matters. Along the zigzag veranda, all the knights of the White Way are directly led to the back of the main hall. There is a large garden with a row of houses on the left and right sides, hanging over the corridor. The paper lanterns in front of us swayed from side to side in the cold wind.

Fu Wanqing followed behind Yu Shengyan, and did not stop until she crossed the garden. The apse is built along the steep cliff. From a distance, there seems to be another house on the top of the cloud-shrouded mountain. Fu Wanqing raised her head and sighed, Yu Shengyan really has nothing to do with the world. If she were to live on that cliff isolated from the world, she would probably go crazy sooner or later. After walking nearly a thousand steps, the house is in sight, but closer than the house is a bottomless cliff. In the cloud, there was only an iron chain shaking from side to side.

Yu Shengyan jumped onto the chain lightly, and she looked ahead as if she was walking on flat ground.

Fu Wanqing was on this side of the cliff, and when she rolled her eyes, she grabbed the iron chain and shook it vigorously. Yu Shengyan's footsteps didn't stop, she didn't even look back, she just walked forward. Dressed in white, hidden in the lingering clouds, like a flying fairy. Boring! Fu Wanqing grumbled, and also stepped on the chain.

The whistling wind is in my ears.

Yu Shengyan was in front of him, seemingly very close, but also very far away.

Fu Wanqing was distracted, she almost stepped on the air and fell into the cliff.

"Be careful!" Yu Shengyan's voice rang in his ears.

In a blink of an eye, the person has reached the other side of the cliff, and the waist is tightly surrounded by people. Fu Wanqing smiled softly. She was about to say something when her eyes were drawn to the cabin. The small wooden house was unremarkable, except that there were sharp swords swaying in the wind hanging under the eaves, which made a crisp sound of ding ding dong dong. Looking at the swaying sword, Fu Wanqing could almost imagine the scene of Yu Shengyan practicing martial arts in the sword.

The layout of the room is very simple, with a bed, a table and a stool, and almost nothing else.

"Few people come here." Yu Shengyan said softly.

Fu Wanqing wiped the dust off the table, and said with a light smile, "At the bottom of the mountain is a magnificent palace, but there is only a dilapidated wooden house on the top. If I didn't know that you are the leader of the Clear Water Sect, I would have thought you were a A prisoner imprisoned here."

"Where is it not a cage?" Yu Shengyan responded lightly, and walked out of the room again.

On one side are rolling hills, on the other side is the endless sea. The cold mountain wind brought a biting chill, Fu Wanqing tightened her skirt, and quickly followed Yu Shengyan's pace.

There is not only one house on the top of the cliff, there is an old pine tree with strong branches beside it, and it was not until Fu Wanqing got close to the small tomb under the pine tree that the mottled stone tablet was empty, without a word. Who is buried here? A hint of doubt arose in Fu Wanqing's heart, and before she could ask, Yu Shengyan opened her mouth.

"The one buried here is my Aunt Lou Lan, who is my senior sister's master. I once made a promise to her that no one will hurt my senior sister's life."

"You brought me here just to tell me that Lou Kexin can't be killed?" Fu Wanqing's expression turned cold, and she said flatly, "You promised her, not me. Now you really want to protect her." Good for her, why did you let her leave the Clear Water Sect to compete with me three years ago? If I hadn't let her go at that time, I'm afraid she would have died already."

"It was my fault, I failed to stop her, so I want to find the last medicine for her." Yu Shengyan frowned and said softly.

If Yu Shengyan hadn't opened his mouth, Fu Wanqing would have almost forgotten about it.

Yu Shengyan was willing to stay by her side for three months just for the thousand-year-old tortoise gall hidden in the chivalrous villa.

Who is teasing whom? Who is confusing whom

Fu Wanqing smiled coldly: "The three-month period is up, and I will give you the thousand-year-old tortoise gall." She stretched out her hand and raised Yu Shengyan's chin, staring at her indifferent and calm face, suddenly felt a sudden twitch in her heart. throbbing. Inexplicable emotions were swelling, and her hands tightened until a red mark appeared. Fu Wanqing withdrew her hand suddenly, she raised her head and smiled, and walked away under Yu Shengyan's puzzled gaze.

In the misty clouds, the red clothes are bright.

"Miss Fu." Yu Shengyan rubbed her eyes and called out helplessly. Seeing that Fu Wanqing hadn't stopped, she hurried after her, grabbed her wrist, and shouted, "Fu Wanqing clear!"

"What are you doing!" Fu Wanqing shouted angrily.

She had the look of a willfully twisted child.

Yu Shengyan sighed, she held Fu Wanqing's hand in her palm, and looked at her quietly.

Fu Wanqing didn't understand what Yu Shengyan wanted to do, but she knew her heart. Yu Shengyan's eyes are extremely easy to sink people.

She is Yu Shengyan, the only person in this world who can stand side by side with you, Fu Wanqing.

As Fu Wanqing read these words, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"Yu Shengyan, you..." Before Fu Wanqing finished speaking, her jaw was pinched. Yu Shengyan's eyes were deep and focused. Under these eyes, it seemed that she was burned by a ball of fire from the beginning to the end. A blush began to appear on Fu Wanqing's face, and the anger that settled in her heart slowly faded away. turned into embarrassment.

Heartbeat is fast, but breathing is slow.

Yu Shengyan kissed the corner of Fu Wanqing's lips, and just when Fu Wanqing thought she was going to leave, her tongue suddenly penetrated and pried open the tightly closed jaw. The warm breath patted on the face, and the faint orchid-like fragrance lingered around the body. The ground under her feet collapsed in an instant, and she had nowhere to rest, so she could only stretch out her arms around Yu Shengyan's waist, sinking and falling with her.

"What are you doing?" Pressing against Yu Shengyan's forehead, Fu Wanqing's breathing became more and more gentle. One of her hands had already grabbed Yu Shengyan's skirt, and she asked in a low voice. When she did such things, she never explained to Yu Shengyan a word or two, she only acted according to her own mood and preferences. Feet are soft, heart pounding, never had such a strong feeling. She asked a question, secretly looking forward to Yu Shengyan's answer in her heart.

There was also a blush on Yu Shengyan's face, she smiled lightly, and reached out to wipe away the silver streak from the corner of Fu Wanqing's lips. Fu Wanqing lowered her eyebrows, concealing a little disappointment, she reached out and smoothed Yu Shengyan's skirt little by little.

"Not everything can be calculated." Fu Wanqing sighed softly, "I don't want to be a treacherous villain in front of you, but now it seems that I have to do so." She He pressed his hand on Yu Shengyan's chest. Yu Shengyan didn't have any defenses, what if this is a sharp sword? "Why do you trust me and have no defense against me?" Fu Wanqing withdrew her hand and asked.

"I don't know." Yu Shengyan shook his head and said softly.

Fu Wanqing snorted and said with a smile: "Actually, it's because you don't care about anything. In your eyes, there is neither life nor death. Yu Shengyan, your martial arts are very good, but you must not be my opponent with bare hands."

Yu Shengyan stared at Fu Wanqing, and after a long time sighed quietly: "Why are you so persistent?"

Fu Wanqing smiled lightly and said, "Then why are you so determined?"

Each has its own persistence, each has its own way to go, and both of them understand in their hearts.

Fu Wanqing found that she had reached a desperate situation, and there was no way forward or backward.

"If I'm not mistaken, those old men from the Baidao Alliance also secretly sent experts to infiltrate the Bishui Sect. They always wanted to wipe out the Demon Sect. 'Jade Guanyin' was sent to the Bishui Sect by Yue Qingtan, but in the end it still had to fall. Return to the hands of Chivalry Villa." Fu Wanqing said suddenly, "Although Lou Kexin is a member of your Bishui sect, she may not obey you. She looks at you with hatred in her eyes, and Wei Xian is still there Jiangnan, your situation is a bit dangerous."

"She should hate me." Yu Shengyan curled the corners of his mouth and smiled helplessly, "Aunt Lou Lan died by my sword, even though it was her own request."

Fu Wanqing was startled, she hadn't expected this to happen.

"The evil spirit in the sword is too strong, and if you kill too much, you will fall into the devil's way. Aunt Lou Lan couldn't control her desire to kill, and many lives were lost under her hands. She said countless times that she crippled her martial arts, but Still can't do it, she kills, kills righteous people, and also kills disciples in the sect, she is called the devil. A person who is immersed in killing, rarely sober, she begged me to do it. "

Fu Wanqing asked, "Is that why you don't want to draw your sword?"

Yu Shengyan nodded and replied: "Yes, not all of them."

Fu Wanqing asked again: "Why can't I see any guilt or sadness from your expression? How to put it, she died under your sword."

Yu Shengyan blinked and said: "It was Aunt Lou Lan's own plea, I relieved her, what's wrong?"

Fu Wanqing was silent, and after a long time, she laughed.

She, Fu Wanqing, is a ruthless lover, isn't Yu Shengyan? Aren't these two people a perfect match