The Beauty’s Blade

Chapter 33


Night, cold and silent.

Those knights did not dare to fall asleep easily, almost all gathered in a room, fully alert, the unknown danger hidden in the dark is terrible.

Fu Wanqing quietly entered the room, and then quietly retreated without disturbing anyone. The faces of the disciples of the Clear Water Sect guarding all around were still as cold as ever. Seeing Fu Wanqing strutting out of the courtyard, they remained indifferent, as if no one had seen them. They knew very well in their hearts that only this person was their leader's guest.

Yu Shengyan did not go back to the cabin on the mountain.

Fu Wanqing swept into the palace where Yu Shengyan was like a gust of breeze. Red gauze curtains are hung on all sides, gently blowing with the wind. The dim yellow candlelight was dim, and the veil seemed to touch the candlelight. The surrounding area was very quiet, only a few words could be heard faintly.

Yu Shengyan sat aside, with a book rolled up in her hands, without even raising her head.

Lou Kexin sat on the wheelchair, clutching the handle tightly with both hands, as if about to break it. When she lowered her head, she was biting her lower lip. Once she raised her head, the hatred and haze in her eyes dissipated, as if she was two completely different people from herself who lowered her head. Her voice is soft and gentle.

"Junior Sister, Fu Wanqing is a member of the Baidao Alliance, and her father is still the leader of the alliance. She should inherit this position in the future. You brought her back and became too close to her. The disciples in the sect complained about this. Those The knights of the White Way are here to deal with us, and we need your instruction on what to do next."

"Aren't you and Wei Zuoshi all the time dealing with the affairs of the teaching?" Yu Shengyan said lightly, never mentioning Fu Wanqing. Her mind was on the book, and with a rustling sound, she had already turned several pages.

"Junior Sister, why do you stay by Fu Wanqing's side?" Lou Kexin chuckled and asked, "If it's because of my medicine, then there's no need, even if you can't stand up for the rest of your life, I don't even want anything from Fu Wanqing. If there is anything that can dispel the hatred in my heart, it is probably Fu Wanqing's head, sister, would you help me get it?"

Yu Shengyan frowned, she finally put down the book in her hand, looked into Lou Kexin's eyes, and said flatly: "Senior Sister, you didn't listen to my advice back then, if you competed with Miss Fu. If I said I was wrong, it was because I failed to stop you and failed Aunt Lou Lan's request."

Lou Kexin's voice suddenly became sharp, and it was difficult for her to maintain her superficial calm: "Aunt Lou Lan? Junior sister, do you still have the face to mention my master? If you haven't forgotten her, you should stand by my side and help me Kill Fu Wanqing! That woman Fu Wanqing really deserves to die! Where is your Hidden Sword, Junior Sister? Since you can use the sword at my master, why can't you use it at Fu Wanqing?"

"Senior Sister, it's late at night." Yu Shengyan ignored her words, and her eyes glanced behind the heavy red curtain. There's one person hiding there, no, or two. Yu Shengyan didn't want to talk any more, Lou Ke snorted heavily, sliding the wheelchair, his figure was so fast that he didn't look like a person with disabled legs.

The red curtain was still fluttering, but pieces fell to the ground, like a layer of falling flowers. A silver-white light and shadow suddenly rushed out from the red curtain. In addition to the long sword, there are also many silver needles as thin as cow hair. Yu Shengyan picked up the book on the table and shattered it, and the paper was flying under the strong zhenqi, like snowflakes falling. The silver needle pierced the piece of paper and fell to the ground, but the sword had already arrived in front of him. The masked man in black had fierce eyes, as if he would never give up if he couldn't get his hands on it.

Fu Wanqing kept hiding behind the curtain, when she saw the sword in the hands of the man in black, her eyes sank. She tore off a red curtain without any hassle, moved forward to wrap up Yu Shengyan's waist, and pulled her into her arms. The black figure flitted in the red curtain, as if walking in a fog of blood. The candles went out one after another, and finally the hall was shrouded in darkness. There was a puff, the sound of a long sword piercing, and the sound of breathing, which was barely audible at first, suddenly became heavier, like a cow gasping for breath.

Fu Wanqing didn't move, her hands holding the long sword were trembling, and a cold light suddenly illuminated her eyes. The man in black drew his sword again, and the profound internal force was continuously transmitted from the tip of the sword. Fu Wanqing felt that his right hand was as heavy as a thousand catties. As if being attracted by a magnet, she couldn't move her long sword no matter what. The man in black is a man with good martial arts.

There was a sound of "铛—", as if a small stone had hit the sword. Taking advantage of this moment, Fu Wanqing swung the sword away from the man in black. The man in black's swordsmanship was heavy and clumsy, as if Mount Tai was overwhelmed, and if he wanted to deal with him, he must not be head-on.

Zhao Keman and Hu Ying, Wu hook is bright with frost and snow. The silver saddle shines on the white horse, rustling like shooting stars. This is the sword style of the chivalrous villa, light and dexterous, every move avoids the strength of the man in black. A sigh came, and the man in black suddenly withdrew his sword. Before Fu Wanqing's sword pierced him, he had already flied out of the palace.

Fu Wanqing didn't chase after her, she took out the flint and lit the candle.

There were a few drops of bright red blood on the red gauze curtain, which was wet. Fu Wanqing looked at Yu Shengyan up and down, and seeing that there was no scar on her body, she breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Who is that man in black? His sword gave me a powerful feeling. oppression."

"The person who killed me." Yu Shengyan responded lightly, "It's someone from your Baidao martial arts. When he left, he used the Great Mizong step."

"It's him! I didn't expect his martial arts to reach such a level." Fu Wanqing sneered and said, "I claim to be a hero of the White Way, and I always want to do something beneficial to the martial arts, but I don't know what I have done secretly. It is cruel enough to kill sworn brothers.”

Yu Shengyan looked at the debris on the ground and sighed, "Maybe. People have been led to the Clear Water Sect by you, what do you want to do next?"

"Why do you care about these things?" Fu Wanqing snorted softly and said with a smile.

Yu Shengyan frowned and said: "Too much killing is not good after all. I don't understand what you want to do. Since you know that the white Taoist warriors are powerless to destroy my Clear Water Sect, why did you attract them? How about Let them go, and give me the peace of Qianbi Island."

"There's no more peace." Fu Wanqing said with a chuckle, "Those who died on Qianbi Island, they have brothers, parents, children and friends, they will come to take revenge, and they will obey Fu Hui's orders To take revenge. This is no longer something that can be settled by returning the 'Jade Guanyin'. People in the Jianghu hate you Bishui Sect, and now they will hate you even more."

Fu Wanqing is not a good person, she had already made it clear to Yu Shengyan from the very beginning. When she trapped Yu Shengyan by her side at the beginning, she had the purpose of using it. She stretched out her hand to caress Yu Shengyan's slightly frowned brows, and said with a smile: "I said, in three months, I will get rid of the Bishui Sect, and I will also get rid of the Baidao Alliance. You should be as indifferent to these things as before, Yu Shengyan, you know, I will not change my mind for others, even if you persuade me."

Yu Shengyan smiled and asked, "Miss Fu is so confident?"

Fu Wanqing nodded, smiled arrogantly, and said: "The Baidao Alliance has already been destroyed, Guo Ju is mine, and as for the Tianji Gate, those two brothers are useless, Gu Yu has already controlled the affairs of the gate. There are three remaining families, the old man and Yang Yifei have a bad feeling in their hearts, and the head of the Diancang sect, heh..."

"As far as the Bishui sect is concerned, Master Yuda, don't you know that the left and right envoys in your sect have been fighting secretly?"

Yu Shengyan really didn't know these things. Although she was the leader of the sect, her understanding of things in the Bishui sect was probably not as good as that of Fu Wanqing. Zuoshi Wei Xian is a very strange man to her, and if Lou Kexin didn't have the relationship with his teacher and sister, he might be just a nodding acquaintance.

"Yushengyan." Fu Wanqing called out suddenly, and she smiled, "Why don't you pass on the position of leader to me, I am more suitable to be the leader of this demon sect than you."

There was a smile on Fu Wanqing's face, and a hint of cunning flashed in her eyes, as if she was telling the truth, or as if she was telling a joke. Yu Shengyan glanced at her lightly, nodded and said: "Okay." She has never cared about the position of leader, staying here is just living here since she was a child, and it actually represents the token of the leader's identity. She had already given it to Fu Wanqing.

"The answer is really straightforward." Fu Wanqing shook her head and said with a light smile, "on one side is the young lady of Chivalrous Villa, on the other hand is the leader of the Demon Cult, and... oh, I can't handle it. The leader of the Demon Cult You should keep the position for yourself, even in terms of status, we are a perfect match."

"Yeah." Yu Shengyan nodded, and pulled Fu Wanqing's hand that was playing tricks on her face.

Fu Wanqing snorted, somewhat dissatisfied. Her eyeballs rolled a few times, she leaned on Yu Shengyan's body and said with a coquettish smile: "Just now I heard you tell your senior sister that it's late at night, is our master Yuda ready to go to bed?" Fu Wanqing's smile was extremely Presumptuous, like a delicate flower in full bloom. Her whole hand was slowly rubbing Yu Shengyan's waist, and she could feel the scorching temperature even through a layer of clothes.