The Beauty’s Blade

Chapter 36


According to legend, there is a kind of wine called "Thousand Day Drunk", which can make people drunk for a thousand days, but this is a legend after all. Yue Qingtan hadn't been drunk for thousands of years, but she didn't wake up the next day either. The wine was so strong that she was drunk for three whole days. These three days seem very long, but it is not enough to go back and forth between Qianbi Island and Lin'an Mansion. It seems very short, but it is enough to cause earth-shaking changes in the world.

Several masters of the Baidao Alliance left in a hurry, and Wei Xian, the left envoy of the Devil's Cult, returned. This is a great blow to the righteous people in Jianghu, but they are fortunate that Wei Xian, the left envoy, came back with injuries. He didn't even have time to see everyone's faces, so he hurriedly retreated to recuperate his wounds up.

"Do you know why those people went back?" A smile appeared on Fu Wanqing's face. She released the snow-white carrier pigeon in her hand and walked to the edge of the bottomless cliff. When she let go, the shredded paper was like Snowflakes generally drifted in the cold mountain wind. Fu Wanqing didn't expect to get Yu Shengyan's answer at all, she chuckled again and said, "No matter how important the Clear Water Sect is, it is not as important as the Central Plains Wulin. Besides, Yue Qingtan is willing to hand over 'Jade Guanyin'. You teach The left envoy Wei Xian came back with injuries, it seems that he has met an opponent, as for your good senior sister, she may be secretly happy, she can handle all the things in the teaching."

"You did it?" Yu Shengyan raised his head and glanced at Fu Wanqing, and asked softly.

"What do you think?" Fu Wanqing blinked and asked back.

Fu Wanqing is a person who walks the talk, three months are about to pass, how could she not take any action

"After three months, you will be free and don't have to follow me." Fu Wanqing looked at Yu Sheng's smoky and indifferent expression, and evoked a playful smile, "This last period may be in the After spending time in the Clear Water Sect, when the time comes, will you follow me to the Chivalry Villa to get the thousand-year-old tortoise gall, or will I send someone to send you to the Clear Water Sect, Master Jade?"

"I'll go with you." Yu Shengyan replied without thinking. Her expression froze for a moment, she pursed her lips, and lowered her head again, avoiding Fu Wanqing's alluring eyes. Three months seemed to be gone in the blink of an eye. The heart that was originally empty has been filled unconsciously, how can I return to the original self? Yu Shengyan had changed, she had noticed it herself.

Fu Wanqing's charming smile was full of pride, because of Yu Shengyan's words, she swept away the haze caused by parting. Just like in the past, she sat in Yu Shengyan's arms, lazily like a satiated little fox. Fu Wanqing didn't forget the sword competition, but at this moment, she didn't want to mention it at all. "Three months is too short, I really want to stay with you for the rest of my life, but it's a pity..." Fu Wanqing didn't need to finish her words, she thought that the two of them were very clear.

What a pity? Do you have the hustle and bustle and fame and fortune of the world in your eyes? And in my heart there is only the deserted mountains and forests? It's a pity that you want to compete swords with me, only one of the two can live? What kind of person would take jokes and teasing seriously? Yu Shengyan couldn't tell whether it was true or false, she pursed her lips, and suddenly pushed Fu Wanqing away, without leaving a word, she swept into the sword formation beside the bamboo house like a puff of smoke. When the blades collided, there was a clanging sound, which woke up Fu Wanqing who was stunned.

Yu Shengyan pushed himself away, something that almost never happened. Fu Wanqing's eyes darkened, and a few traces of displeasure flashed by. The footsteps of the people in the sword array changed, so fast that only an afterimage could be seen. Fu Wanqing couldn't see Yu Shengyan's face clearly, but she faintly felt that this man seemed to be angry.

With a bang, the rope on a sword snapped and fell to the ground.

Yushengyan's person had already floated out of the sword formation, and she stretched out a hand to catch a falling strand of hair. For the first time in many years, a strand of hair was cut off by a long sword? what does that mean? Her heart was restless, and she could no longer concentrate on anything else. Yu Shengyan closed her eyes, recalling her last step just now, and Fu Wanqing's smile flashed before her eyes, a delicate, passionate, and presumptuous smile like a flame.

"Master Yuda is good at movement." Fu Wanqing clapped her palms, with a false smile on her lips.

Yu Shengyan opened her eyes and had already suppressed all the emotions in her heart. She turned around and said to Fu Wanqing: "I seem to understand your persistence in fighting with me."

Yu Shengyan's eyes were very bright, different from the quietness of the past, it was a vivid expression. Fu Wanqing was stunned for a moment, then came back to her senses, licked the corners of her lips, and asked with a smile: "Master Yuda has figured it out, is he going to compete with me? It's not about winning or losing, but life and death." A fight to the death."

Yu Shengyan sighed suddenly, she shook her head and said: "No." This is a delicate rose with thorns, why did she reach out to pick it? The appearance of Fu Wanqing has disrupted her life. They were supposed to be opposites, why did they get closer? Fortunately, these three months will soon come to an end. A very light sigh escaped from Yu Shengyan's lips, she didn't seem to realize it, but Fu Wanqing heard it.

Who is this sad for? Is it for the upcoming tragic fate of the Clear Water Sect? Or because of the separation after three months? Fu Wanqing opened her hand, and the wind blew through her fingers, making her unable to hold it tightly. Looking at Yu Shengyan's expression, she suddenly felt a chill, and at this moment, she was also like a cold wind on a cliff. All the warmth disappeared in an instant, leaving only the indifference and alienation when we first met.

"Yu Shengyan, do you want to stay away from me?" Fu Wanqing murmured, but no one answered.

Sometimes, approaching and staying away are both painful.

Who is Yu Shengyan? He is an opponent, a friend, and the only person in this world who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him. Fu Wanqing made such noises, but there was clearly a voice deep in her heart that was sweating wildly, all of this was not enough. Fu Wanqing deliberately ignored that voice, and deliberately ignored the pain and unwillingness caused by Yu Shengyan's alienation.

The sky is gloomy and the wind is cold, like a heavy snow is coming.

Fu Wanqing was lying on the couch in a light sleep, the cold wind blowing in from the window made her shiver into a ball. Yu Shengyan pursed her lips, looked away from the book, and landed on Fu Wanqing. She seldom spoke in the first place, and because of her deliberate estrangement these days, she and Fu Wanqing had no words at all.

Fu Wanqing is very afraid of the cold. When she was still in late autumn, she kept mentioning the horror of the severe winter and the need for someone to warm her cold hands.

She was wearing very thin clothes, and the brocade quilt had fallen to the ground because of the rolling.

Yu Shengyan's heart softened, and he had already reached the side of the couch, picked up the quilt and covered Fu Wanqing.

His eyebrows were furrowed, and he was still shivering in his sleep. Yu Shengyan touched her fingertips, which were as cold as snow in the twelfth lunar month. She stood still for a long time before she took off her shoes and socks, climbed onto the couch, and hugged Fu Wanqing who was curled up into a ball. Fu Wanqing who was asleep looked obedient, without the slightest sharpness or publicity. She arched against Yu Shengyan's chest, subconsciously looking for the warmest place.

This is the palace at the foot of the mountain, and it is easy for strangers to disturb it, but the wooden house on the mountain is a bit colder after all. Yu Shengyan glanced coldly at the man entering the hall, and made a silent gesture.

Wei Xian has been in the Bishui Sect for many years. He almost grew up watching Yu Shengyan. Apart from being deserted and alienated, he has never seen any expression on the face of the leader. This kind of warmth was revealed to a woman in the white way, Wei Xian was stunned for a long time before recovering, and knelt down on the ground with a plop.

"What does Wei Zuoshi mean by this?" Yu Shengyan lowered his voice, somewhat displeased.

Wei Xian glanced at the sleeping Fu Wanqing, and said: "Master, please think twice, this woman is Fu Hui's single daughter, she will be the future leader of the Baidao Alliance, besides, Lou Zuo envoy was picked off by her Muscle, she is the enemy of our Clear Water Sect!"

Yu Shengyan shook his head, and replied softly, "It's not mine."

It was taught by Bi Shui, it was taught by Lou Kexin, but it was not her who taught her.

Wei Xian murmured his lips and swallowed all the words. Yu Shengyan was never involved in teaching, if she was in the wooden house on the mountain, Wei Xian would never go to disturb her. But when she stayed in the palace at the foot of the mountain on rare occasions, Wei Xian would report all the big and small things in the sect, but unfortunately, the leader of the sect has always looked careless.

"Isn't Wei Zuo envoy going back to recuperate?" Yu Sheng took a sip of his smoke and asked coldly, clearly meaning to chase away guests. Even if this man had been teaching for many years, even if he had been his father's right-hand man, he was nothing more than a stranger to him.

"I have something to report." Wei Xian frowned, and continued, "There is an additional force in the rivers and lakes, called the 'Wuji Palace'. The shops and small sects belonging to our Bishui Sect or the Baidao Alliance are all under the banner of Wuji Palace, and the woman I met this time is called 'Wuji Empress', and her kung fu is very powerful."

"Yeah." Yu Shengyan nodded lightly, not paying attention to it at all.

Wei Xian sighed, and finally withdrew from the hall.

Empress Wuji, this is a name I heard when I was in Jiangnan.

It seems that Liu Zhishang, Yang Yifei and others returned to Jiangnan in a hurry because all the small sects under their banner had rebelled.

Yu Shengyan chuckled and lowered his head to stare at Fu Wanqing's peaceful face.