The Beauty’s Blade

Chapter 50


The houses on Yanxia Island are full of dust and cobwebs. It seems that no one has lived in them for a long time. The treasure house shown on the treasure map is around here. Fu Hui is not in a hurry to find it, and plans to rest here overnight. Although the people in the world are anxious, they don't have much to say.

Liu Zhishang's face was ashen, and the gossip of the people in the world kept passing into his ears. It was just a reasonable guess, but it was innocently charged with such crimes as cowardice and greed. In the quiet night, there were snoring and sleep talking one after another. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was a trap. The cold gaze like a poisonous snake slowly slid from Guo Lintian to Fu Hui, and a bold guess arose in his heart. , could all of this be caused by Chivalry Villa alone? Yang Yifei has been refusing to admit that Jade Guanyin is in the hands of their Weiyang Escort, is this not a lie

I fell into sleep with dreams of getting rich, but a few people couldn't wake up again.

The genius was dimly lit, and a cry of pain resounded through the small room. It is said that martial arts practitioners are sharp and vigilant, but no one heard the movement last night, as if they had fallen asleep. Fu Hui squatted down and looked at the corpses. The person who seemed to be sleeping could not find any wounds on his body. Fu Hui frowned tightly, and he said, "There is no wound, and there is no sign of poisoning."

"This is impossible!" A person shouted loudly, his body froze, and suddenly remembered something, and said, "Back then in the Clear Water Sect, we also had disciples who died so quietly, could it be that the Clear Water The people who taught it? That’s not right, some of the disciples of the Clear Water Sect died back then.”

"No, the members of the Clear Water Sect suffered sword wounds, very thin sword marks."

"But the sword mark is not the 'Huaixiujian', isn't that the 'A Line of Sky' of the Diancang School?"

"Could it be Wuji Palace? When we were on Qianbi Island, the sudden appearance of people from Wuji Palace took advantage of it."

"No, how do the people in Wuji Palace know where Yanxia Island is?" Fu Hui shook his head. He patrolled for a week, and said coldly, "The people in Yanxia Island may not have finished their journey yet."

"Whether it is Wuji Palace or Yanxia Island, it means that someone is harming us in the dark, and we have been caught in a conspiracy."

"Brother Fu, is this treasure map really true? Is there really a treasure house in Yanxia Island?" Liu Zhishang asked, "Except for Chivalrous Villa, all the elite disciples of my Baidao Alliance have been brought out. Something happened..." Liu Zhi had something to say in his words, and all eyes were on Fu Hui for a moment. Fu Hui lowered his face and was about to say something when he heard another panicked cry.

"It's not good, President Fu, our ship has been scuttled!"

It's a trap, it's obvious.

With no passing ships, they were stranded on this isolated island.

"It's not that there are no wounds, it's just that the wounds are so subtle that it's hard to find them." Yu Shengyan said suddenly, and no one noticed when she and Miss Fu entered the house. Fu Hui froze, and immediately stretched out his hand to the back of the man's head, gently rubbing his fingertips along the hair. A flash of white light flashed, and the hidden weapon buried deep in the ground was sucked out by Fu Hui with internal strength and nailed to the ground. "This is the Soul Nail." Fu Hui said this while looking at Liu Zhishang.

"Don't worry about what this is, what should we do next? How do we go back to Yangzhou Mansion when the ship sinks?"

"What are you talking about? This small island is full of wood, so you're afraid you won't be able to go back? I think the most urgent task is to find the treasure house and take the treasure inside!"

"It's really lively." Guo Lintian pulled the drowsy Guo Ju, chuckled lightly, and said seemingly unintentionally, "Ju'er, do you remember the book of hidden weapons in Jianghu that I asked you to memorize? Your Uncle Fu sucked it." Do you still have any impression of the soul nail that came out?"

"Of course." Guo Ju woke up immediately, and she said with a smile, "Father, are you going to test me? This mourning nail cooperates with the acupuncture method, but it is a unique hidden weapon of the Diancang School. But This thing is not in line with the Dian Cang school's traditional behavior of a gentleman, so it is rarely used, so that people in the Jianghu have forgotten this soul nail."

"Guo Ju, what nonsense are you talking about!" Shen Shengyi scolded, his face full of annoyance.

"I just said that the Soul Nail is a unique hidden weapon of your Diancang faction, and I didn't say that you killed the person. What are you so anxious about?" Guo Ju responded with a click of his tongue.

"Enough!" Fu Hui yelled heavily. He scanned the people around him and said, "Bury these brothers, and let's go find the treasure house." Xie Qiurong had never been there, and Xie Qiurong rarely talked to him about the interesting things on Yanxia Island. If there is not a treasure map on the winding path, I am afraid that it will be lost directly. At the beginning, the Jianghu people were still extremely vigilant in case any mechanism appeared suddenly, but gradually, apart from the chirping of birds and the panting of people, there was no other movement, and they gradually relaxed their vigilance.

A stone gate hidden by withered and yellow vines appeared in front of him. Fu Hui winked, and immediately someone stepped forward to remove these obstructing things. After looking at the sky and the surrounding directions, Fu Hui carefully put away the treasure map. He looked at a groove on the door that resembled a palm print, stepped forward and pressed it, but there was no response. Other Jianghu people also tried, but Shimen didn't budge.

"Leader Fu, how do you open this door?" Someone shouted impatiently.

Fu Hui didn't answer. With a groan, he pulled out a dagger and walked towards Fu Wanqing who was standing behind a group of people. Without explaining anything, he grabbed Fu Wanqing's left hand, swung the dagger, and was about to strike at her palm. Yu Shengyan's complexion darkened, and with a ding, the dagger was brushed against the stone door, causing a series of sparks to hit, Fu Hui was hit by her inner breath, and retreated several steps. "Jade Master, what do you mean?"

Yu Shengyan stared at Fu Wanqing's red wrist, with some displeasure in her eyes, she said coldly, "Should I ask Leader Fu?"

"To open this door, Wan Qing's blood is needed." Fu Hui frowned.

"Do you take blood if you want? Have you ever worried about Wan Qing's feelings?" Yu Shengyan asked with a sneer.

"I'm her father, so I'll just make up my mind." Fu Hui replied naturally, "Master Yu, this matter has nothing to do with you. Mr. Fu is very grateful to you for bringing Wan Qing to this place, but—"

Yu Shengyan sneered and said: "There is no treasure house in this cave at all, it's just a scam by Fu Hui. If you want to survive, leave this Yanxia Island as soon as possible."

"Bewitching words to confuse the crowd!" Fu Hui scolded.

Fu Wanqing moved, and the sword light flashed, it was the dark red blood. Under Fu Hui's proud gaze, she walked slowly towards the stone gate, put her palm on the groove, and boomed With a loud sound, the stone door opened. The dust shook off, and she waited for the people from the rivers and lakes to walk into the cave one by one, then she blinked at Yu Shengyan and showed a bright smile.

"Your palm..." Yu Shengyan said worriedly.

"Fake." Fu Wanqing smiled triumphantly, "Why would I cut my palm just because of this?" As soon as she said that, she let go of her hand, and the bag of blood covered in her sleeve fell to the ground, leaving a hole behind. Beach bloodstains. Where is the secret groove of the palm print a stone door organ? In an inconspicuous corner, there is a small protruding stone, that is the organ. This cave is a labyrinth of twists and turns, with roads everywhere, life and death.

"Actually, as long as one button is pressed, the people in the cave will be pierced to death by ten thousand arrows." Fu Wanqing chuckled, as if telling another light-hearted joke, looking at Yu Shengyan's disapproving eyes, She blinked and said again, "Of course, this method is too bloody and cruel. I will give them a chance, as long as they choose their own way to survive."

"Where are the people from Wuji Palace inside?" Yu Shengyan asked.

"Yes." Fu Wanqing nodded, and said with a smile, "The Promise Palace and the Yanxia Island have never been divided between you and me. There has never been any treasure house, and the legend about the treasure map is full of loopholes. Tell me, why do they both Believe it? Even follow what I wove, step by step into the trap."

Yu Shengyan smiled lightly, sighed and said, "Greed is enough to blind your eyes."

"It will be over soon, and I will make them realize what the truth is." Fu Wanqing licked her lips, hooked Yu Shengyan's neck, and asked with a smile, "After all this is over, we two Is there a point between the two?"

Yu Shengyan's smile froze, she pulled Fu Wanqing's hand off her body, took a few steps back, and taunted: "Miss Fu, do you still want to compete with swords? The ending of life and death is what you really want What? That persistent flame in your heart still can't be extinguished."

"The Hidden Sword has clearly been unsheathed, why are you still unwilling to compete with me?" Fu Wanqing showed a little confusion, and she said again, "We are just exchanging ideas, and we will not hurt our lives of."

Yu Shengyan sneered.

Fighting between masters is bound to do their best, and the situation after doing their best is not easily controlled by themselves, so those who come to the sword competition, only the winners can survive. Even if the two of them are fine, after the sword competition, will Miss Fu leave without looking back? His heart seemed to be tightly grasped by a hand, and Yu Shengyan found himself unable to accept this fact. She took a deep look at Fu Wanqing, and planned to leave this place as soon as she swung her sleeves.

"Hey wait." Fu Wanqing looked at Yu Shengyan and turned around as if she was going to leave. She panicked, grabbed Fu Wanqing's hand and said incoherently, "I want to compete with you, but No, I don’t want to compare swords with you. If you don’t like it, I won’t mention it in the future, so don’t leave.”

"Fu Wanqing, let me ask you again." Yu Shengyan paused and said seriously, "Are you with me just to tempt me into a sword fight? You just want to fight for the title of number one? "

Fu Wanqing was engrossed in Yu Shengyan's eyes, as if her heart was beating a drum, she was stunned for a long time without answering. But Yu Shengyan's heart sank little by little, she took Fu Wanqing's silence as her acquiescence, and opened Fu Wanqing's fingers one by one.

"No." Fu Wanqing shook her head in panic. Seeing Yu Shengyan's determined eyes, she pulled out her sword and shouted, "I won't talk about fighting with you anymore. If you still don't believe me, I will Just cut off the finger holding the sword!"