The Beauty’s Blade

Chapter 8


The moon on the fifteenth day is very round, like a silver plate hanging in the sky, and the stars are also eclipsed by this light.

But it's not the reunion festival now, but it's already September.

The rustling wind passed over the eaves of the forest, leaving behind the sound of hula hula.

The stone bench is very cold, a bone-piercing coldness. Fu Wanqing was willing to sit down only after the maid put on a thick layer of fur cushions. People who practice martial arts shouldn't be afraid of the cold, but Fu Wanqing is not, it's because she is too lazy to mobilize her true energy to warm her limbs. It was she who was laughing, and it was her who was sighing. Looking at the full moon, she suddenly thought of that cold winter, the stove was not hot enough, what she needed was a fire to warm her body.

Fu Wanqing looked down at her hands, and said leisurely: "The moonlight is very good tonight."

Yu Shengyan nodded, she was still as faint as a puff of misty smoke.

Fu Wanqing no longer expected to hear anything from her mouth. She raised her head slowly, and cast her gaze into the gloomy woods. With a small sound, several birds were startled flying, like a stream of light passing across the deep sky.

Yu Shengyan had already noticed that there was someone on the tree, but she didn't move. Where there is Fu Wanqing, she doesn't need to do anything. She didn't understand why this man kept her here, and she didn't want to know the reason. To her, it was just a change from the mountains to a less lively place. If she wants, she can block out all the noisy movements.

A sharp whistle pierced the sky.

The disciples of Chivalry Villa seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, without any reaction. A figure as fast as lightning flashed down from the treetop. His ability to hide his figure is very high, and his movements are fast, but he cannot escape the eyes of the two women here. No one did anything, everything was quiet, as if the third person should have stayed here. The man in black hid in the black clothes, and the black clothes were wrapped in the black night. There was no murderous look on his body, and his eyes hurriedly passed over Yu Shengyan. His knees softened, but it was Fu Wanqing's Kneel down on your knees.

It turned out to be a person from Chivalry Villa, Yu Shengyan sighed in her heart, but in the next moment, her brows were tightly knitted. What does it matter who this person is? She has no reason to care about this matter, her heart should be like a deep pool of water, calm and without any waves.

When Fu Wanqing opened her mouth, she only said one word, that one word, which vividly showed her superior attitude. Yu Shengyan didn't bother to inquire about their words, and after Fu Wanqing finished speaking, she blocked her hearing. Her helpless eyes suddenly fell on Fu Wanqing's face, and she couldn't leave her anymore. Fu Wanqing's posture is very similar to her senior sister Lou Kexin, but there is one thing missing from her senior sister, probably because of her background, she has always been humble in her bones. After her legs were crippled by Fu Wanqing, her arrogance and violence due to her humbleness were fully revealed.

Fu Wanqing is like a fire, a fire burning with an extremely gorgeous posture.

At this moment, Yu Shengyan instinctively sensed the danger.

The wrist was strangled, and the man in black left at some unknown time.

Fu Wanqing's face was filled with a bright smile, her lips moved, she said: "The moonlight is beautiful tonight, and this courtyard is very quiet."

Yes, very quiet.

Everything returned to silence, and only the sounds of nature filled my ears.

The rivers and lakes are not peaceful.

In just one night, there was another bloodbath in the rivers and lakes.

In the inn outside Yangzhou City, a big man in short clothes slammed the bowls and chopsticks on the table. He stepped on the stool with one foot and screamed strangely: "Jianghu, if you can calm down, then don't cry!" The rivers and lakes!" After shouting this sentence, he sat down as if nothing had happened, and picked up a big bowl to drink, as if the sentence just now didn't come out of his mouth. On the right side of the big man was a big knife, with five iron rings strung on it, and there was a clanging sound when they collided.

Fu Wanqing sat in a corner behind the pillar, with a smile on her lips. It stands to reason that a child of a family like her would not appear in this dilapidated and noisy inn, but she did. No one can guess what Fu Wanqing is thinking. "Do you know what happened in Jianghu recently?" Fu Wanqing glanced at Yu Shengyan who was sitting silently, and asked with a smile.

She originally wanted to answer by herself, but Yu Shengyan opened her mouth.

"There are two major events. The skillful hand Lu Qi was killed. It is rumored that the secret of the treasure map is hidden in the Jade Guanyin; the Tianjimen brother Yan Qiang is just because of a woman who claims to be the third son of unknown origin." These things are Yu Shengyan leaving On the way to the chivalrous villa, I heard what the passers-by said.

Fu Wanqing smiled coquettishly, and replied: "That's right, just these two major events are enough to disturb this turbulent world."

What Fu Wanqing said was only heard by Yu Shengyan, but her laughter made everyone in the inn turn their heads to look at her. There are either admiration or greed in the eyes, and occasionally there are a few disdainful eyes.

Two beautiful women appeared in a dilapidated small inn, and there were no men around them.

This alone is enough to make those stinky men dream about it.

Those with a little foresight can still hold back and hold back, while those who are obsessive can't wait to have their eyes and hands glued to the two women. There was a clanging sound, and the big man in short coat stood up. As a swordsman, he never forgets his knife. Just because he was afraid that his vicious look would startle the little lady at the next table, he hesitated for a while, and then dropped the knife.

The short-clothed man smiled, his short halberd-like beard trembled along with his full face, and his two rows of uneven teeth were exposed, looking horrifying: "Where are you two ladies going?" ? Can someone deliver it on the way?”

As soon as the man in the short coat finished speaking, a small man jumped out. He looked as thin as a monkey. He just stretched out his hand, and he sent out the thick man in the short coat. . "Little lady, you might as well come with me." He squinted and stroked his small beard. The big man in short coat lost face in front of the beauty, and immediately became furious. He swung his big knife and slashed at the little man with a clanging sound.

With a bang, the stool was split in half by a huge force, and the little monkey-like man had already jumped into the distance, stroking his beard and smiling slightly. There was a sudden fight in the inn, the waiter and the shopkeeper had already smeared their feet and took the opportunity to escape, those timid ones also ran away without a trace, only a group of people from the rivers and lakes were left here to watch the fun. Perhaps, they also thought about being a hero to save the beauty at the right time and win the hearts of the beauties.

Fu Wanqing didn't even send a glance to those people.

Her heart jumped up because of Yu Shengyan's accusation, her eyes could speak, and she was able to draw out the soul of a person in just a short while. The inn became more lively, and there were more than two people fighting. And the two women who caused the commotion, none of them noticed that they had drifted away.

"Who is that woman in the red dress?" Finally a person broke away from the chaotic battle and asked.

"It seems to be Miss Fu from Chivalrous Villa!" Finally, someone recognized her.

After the eerie silence, there was a burst of emotion and sigh.

Walking slowly on the streets of the small town, Fu Wanqing seemed to be interested in everything, walking here and there, looking there. He even bought a pearl flower from a small vendor and stuck it in Yu Shengyan's hair. These vulgar things shouldn't appear, it would destroy Yu Shengyan's beauty, Fu Wanqing looked a little annoyed at her appearance, but she didn't allow her to take away the things she personally gave.

Fu Wanqing suddenly said: "Lu Qi's skillful hands should be able to make pearl flowers suitable for you, but unfortunately he is dead." Yu Shengyan didn't answer, but Fu Wanqing raised her head and laughed. What is conveyed in it is a kind of extreme cold indifference.

Yu Guanyin raised her eyelids, and she took out an ugly bamboo whistle from her arms: "For you."

Taking advantage of Fu Wanqing's stunned moment, she stuffed the bamboo whistle into Fu Wanqing's hand.

"Give it to me." Fu Wanqing was holding the bamboo whistle in her arms like some precious treasure, and she smiled happily.

This thing seems to be inferior to Jade Guanyin.

Jade Guanyin, a year ago, got lost from the hands of the first escort in Kansai.

Only Ma San knew it was in Miss Fu's hands, but he died. A dead person cannot speak.

Where is Jade Guanyin? What secret is hidden in Jade Guanyin? This is what people in Jianghu want to know most.

"Fortunately, it didn't fall into Miss Fu's hands, otherwise this matter would be difficult."

"It would have been nice if I had sent it to Chivalry Villa. This way I can come to propose marriage. With Miss Fu, I also have Jade Guanyin."

"You said Lu Qi died as soon as he died, why did you leak such a news?"

"Treasure map, treasure, who doesn't want to be famous, who doesn't want money?"

Various voices rang in Fu Wanqing's ears.

No one doubts that Jade Guanyin will be in Fu Wanqing's hands.